- 馮雪,周英,梁倩茹等 (2023). 中草藥助眠香囊對養老機構老年失眠病人睡眠質量的影響, 護理研究,37(08): 1480-1483頁.
- 陳靜文,周英,梁倩茹,劉春琴,馬玉,馮雪. 後疫情時代促進我國護理體系發展的思考與建議, 國際醫藥衛生導報,2023. 已錄用.(December publish)
- 馮雪,周英,鄒小芳 梁倩茹 (2021). 長者失眠症的中西醫治療研究進展, 澳門中醫藥雜誌, 20期, 55-63頁.
- 陳靜文, 梁倩茹, 周英, 劉春琴 (2023) 芳香療法在原發性痛經治療中的研究進展及啟示, 全科護理, 21(20): 2776-2780
- Leung, A. Y. M., Molassiotis, A., Zhang, J., Deng, R., Liu, M., Van, I. K., Leong, C. S. U., Leung, I. S. H., Leung, D. Y. P., Lin, X. & Loke, A. Y., (2020). Dementia literacy in the greater bay area, China: Identifying the at-risk population and the preferred types of mass media for receiving dementia information. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17(7), 2511
- Xie, Y. J., Cheung, D. S. K., Loke, A. Y., Nogueira, B. L., Liu, K. M., Leung, A. Y. M., Tsang, A. S. M., Leong, C. S. U. & Molassiotis, A., (2020). Relationships between the usage of televisions, computers, and mobile phones and the quality of sleep in a Chinese population Community-based cross-sectional study. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 22(7), e18095
- Leong, C. S. U & Clutter, L. B. (2020). "Professionalism is Priority for Macao Clinical Nursing Students: Focused Ethnography of Preceptors," International Journal of Teaching and Education, International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences, 8(1),11-32
- 古勤 叶千红 梁倩茹 袁浩斌,《澳門、香港和廣州老年人就醫狀況的調查》護理學雜誌(2020年 8期1431-1434页)
- 葉千紅 古勤 梁倩茹 (2019)澳門、香港和廣州老年活動中心的老年人社會支持及相關因素分析, 中華預防醫學雜誌, 53(10), 1059-1062.
- 葉千红, 温耀宗, 梁倩茹, 古勤 澳門、香港和廣州老年活動中心 ≥55歲人群個人幸福指數及相關因素分析, 中華預防醫學雜誌, 52(3): 308-311
- Leong, C.S.U (2017). Promoting Healthy Musculoskeletal Function by Applying Regular Exercises Education and Physical Activities in Senior Activity Centers, SHS Web of Conferences 37, 01007(2017)
- Leong, C.S.U, Clutter, B. L. (2015). Active learning improves nursing student clinical performance in an academic institution in Macao. Chinese Nursing Research 2: 35-39.
- Leong, C.S.U , Clutter, B. L. & Ho, M. W. (2014). Empowering non-family caregivers of older adults in Macao Chinese society: combining theory knowledge lesson and basic care skill laboratory. Public Health Research 4(3): 98-103.
- Leong, C.S.U (2013). Benefits from Increasing Salary, Employee Benefits and Rank for Promotion the Nursing Shortage in Macao Chinese Society. Universal Journal of Public Health 2(1): 10-16.
- Leong, C.S.U, Xing, Z.H. & Wong, F.W.F. (2013). Professional nursing education development: a transitional milestone from diploma level to graduate level in Macao. Education 3(6): 279-286. .
- Leong, C.S.U (2012). Factors contributing to contemporary nursing shortage in Macao SAR, China. Journal of Nursing Management. 20: 491-501.
- Leong, C.S.U., Gu, K. & Liu, M. (2012). Findings from a quantitative approach of nurses possibly related to the nursing shortage before policy modification in Macao. International Journal of Nursing Science 2(1): 1-7.
- Leong, C.S.U. & Wong, T.K.S. (2011). Factors influencing the sleep behavior of primary school-aged children in Macao. International Journal of Nursing Science 1(1): 1-8.
- Leong, C.S.U. & Wong, T.K.S. (2011). Sleepless in Macao: factors associated with sleep behavior and sleep duration among children in public and private schools. Public Health Research 1(1): 1-7.
- Leong, C.S.U. & Wong, T.K.S. (2011). The sleep of children: an inquiry into factors that may affect the adequacy of sleep among children attending primary schools in Macao. Journal of Health Sciences 1(1): 8-15.
- Leong, S.U. (2005). Medical Savings Accounts (MSAs): The New Way to Finance Health Care Services against Medicare and Medicaid Program. Macao Journal of Nursing 4(1): 28-32.
Conference Presentation:
- Leung, AYM, Cindy Sin U LEONG et al. Understanding of dementia and related services in Macao. A qualitative study. 12th Biennial Conference of the Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centres for Nursing and Midwifery, 18-19 July, 2018. WHOCC 2018, Cairns, Australia.
- Leung, A.Y.M., Cheong, P.K., Leong, C.S.U, Lam Nogueira, O.C.B., Liu, M., Van, I.K., Cheung, D.S.K., Xie, Y. J., Loke, A.Y., Molassiotis, A. Public awareness and attitude towards depression: A community-based qualitative study in Macao. A qualitative study. 12th Biennial Conference of the Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centres for Nursing and Midwifery, 18-19 July, 2018. WHOCC 2018, Cairns, Australia.
- Cindy Sin U LEONG. Factors influencing the sleep behavior among the older adults in Macao: a qualitative approach. 39th International Academic Conference, Amsterdam June 19–22, 2018, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences.
- Cindy Sin U LEONG. Promoting Healthy Musculoskeletal Function by Applying Regular Exercises Education and Physical Activities in Senior Activity Centers. International Congresses on Education 2017. May 18 – 21, 2017, Budapest/ Hungary, Educational Researches and Publications Associations (ERPA).
- Cindy Sin U LEONG. Healthy food choices behavior leading to healthy age: a qualitative study of older adults aged 65 and over. International Symposium on Economics and Social Science, July 12-14, 2016 University Tamkang University.
- Cindy Sin U LEONG. The pattern of participation in health lifestyles: a case of retired older women aged 60 and over in Macao. Third International Symposium on Economics and Social Science, July 22-24, 2015, Waseda, University, Tokyo, Japan (Oral).
- Cindy Sin U LEONG. Learning professional attitude: a qualitative study of the experience of clinical preceptors overseeing nursing students in clinical practicum in Macao. The Asian Symposium on Healthcare Without Borders: Enhancing Quality Healthcare Through Collaboration, August 6-8, 2014, Hiroshima, Japan (Oral).
- Cindy Sin U LEONG & Patricia Lange-Otsuka. Active Learning Behaviors Improve Nursing Student Performance During Practicum in a Public Academic Institution of Macao. Sigma Theta Tau International, 42nd Biennial Convention, 16-20 November 2013. Indianapolis, Indiana, USA (Poster).
- Cindy Sin U LEONG & Wai Wa Lam. Benefits of Implementation of Standard Fall Precaution Strategies: a Successful Case-Study at a Nursing Home in Macao SAR. The 10thWorld Congress on Long Term Care in Chinese Communities: ageing at home – Mobilizing Community Participation for Long Term Care of Elderly, 24-26 October 2013, Macao (Poster).
- Cindy Sin U LEONG. Policy modification: an appraisal to the great innovation to satisfy the nursing concerns in Macao. The 4th Suzhou International Nursing Forum and Seminar on Quality Nursing Care and Nurse-Patient Communication (SINF 4th), 24-28 August 2012, Suzhou, China (Keynote).
- Cindy Sin U LEONG & Thomas K.S. WONG. Parents’ Perceptions of Sleeping Behavior Regarding to their Children who are Studying in Primary and Secondary Schools in Macao SAR. Beijing International Nursing Conference: Altogether for Nursing, innovation with evidence, 8-10 June 2012. Beijing, China.
- Cindy Sin U LEONG. The role of domestic helpers in ageing care. 1st Macau International Medical Congress of China and Portuguese Speaking Countries. 27-30 November, 2011. StartWorld Hotel, Macau (Oral).
- Cindy Sin U LEONG & Thomas K. S. WONG. 澳門小學生睡眠行為. Release in MPI, 18th and in press in Macao daily News, 19th March, 2011 (Oral).
- Cindy Sin U LEONG & Thomas K.S. WONG. Sleep Behaviors of Children and Adolescent in Macao SAR, China. International Conference New Frontiers in Primary Health Care: Role of Nursing and Other Professions. February 4th – 6th, 2008, Chiang Mai, Thailand (Oral).
- Cindy Sin U LEONG & Thomas K.S. WONG. Nursing Manpower Shortage in Macao: A case of “not-so-developed” system. 18th International Nursing Research Congress Focusing on Evidence-Based Practice Collaboration: A Transdisciplinary Roadmap to Discovery 11-14 July 2007 Sigma Theta Tau International Honour Society of Nursing, Vienna Austria (Poster).
- Cindy Sin U LEONG. Demand for high quality health-care services vs. supply of low number of nursing staff. International Nursing Conference “Quality and Safety of Nursing Practice” 8-9 June 2007 Macao SAR, China. ESS, MPI (Oral).
- Cindy Sin U LEONG. The essential of applying rehabilitation and physical activities in long-term care. 4th Word Congress on Long Term Care in Chinese Communities. Health and Care Support for Long Term Care, 18-21 October 2006 (Poster).
Professional Training Activities:
- 2019 Macau Tertiary Education Professionals Training –
Summer Study Program in Summer Study Program at University of Coimbra, Portugal, 23rd to 2nd July, 2019. Organized by Tertiary Education Services Office, Macao SAR.
- 2018 Cognitive Function Assessment Training, 20th and 29th April, organized by Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association. Organized by Macao Health Bureau.
- 2016 Macau Tertiary Education Professionals Training –
Summer Study Program in University of Cambridge, UK, 15th to 25th July, 2016. Organized by Tertiary Education Services Office, Macao SAR.