姓名: 梁倩茹 Name: LEONG SIN U CINDY,

職銜 Academic title
副教授 Associate Professor
照片 Photo

電郵 Email: suleong@mpu.edu.mo

辦公室電話 Tel: 8893 6981 / 8599 3424 辦公室Office: 氹仔校區第三座負一層LG105房
Campus da Taipa, Universidade Politécnico de Macau, Avenida Padre Tomás Pereira, Taipa, Macau, China

學歷 Academic qualifications

出版 Publications
  1. 馮雪,周英,梁倩茹等 (2023). 中草藥助眠香囊對養老機構老年失眠病人睡眠質量的影響, 護理研究,37(08): 1480-1483頁.
  2. 陳靜文,周英,梁倩茹,劉春琴,馬玉,馮雪. 後疫情時代促進我國護理體系發展的思考與建議, 國際醫藥衛生導報,2023. 已錄用.(December publish)
  3. 馮雪,周英,鄒小芳 梁倩茹 (2021). 長者失眠症的中西醫治療研究進展, 澳門中醫藥雜誌, 20期, 55-63頁.
  4. 陳靜文, 梁倩茹, 周英, 劉春琴 (2023) 芳香療法在原發性痛經治療中的研究進展及啟示, 全科護理, 21(20): 2776-2780
  5. Leung, A. Y. M., Molassiotis, A., Zhang, J., Deng, R., Liu, M., Van, I. K., Leong, C. S. U., Leung, I. S. H., Leung, D. Y. P., Lin, X. & Loke, A. Y., (2020). Dementia literacy in the greater bay area, China: Identifying the at-risk population and the preferred types of mass media for receiving dementia information. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17(7), 2511
  6. Xie, Y. J., Cheung, D. S. K., Loke, A. Y., Nogueira, B. L., Liu, K. M., Leung, A. Y. M., Tsang, A. S. M., Leong, C. S. U. & Molassiotis, A., (2020). Relationships between the usage of televisions, computers, and mobile phones and the quality of sleep in a Chinese population Community-based cross-sectional study. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 22(7), e18095
  7. Leong, C. S. U & Clutter, L. B. (2020). "Professionalism is Priority for Macao Clinical Nursing Students: Focused Ethnography of Preceptors," International Journal of Teaching and Education, International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences, 8(1),11-32
  8. 古勤 叶千红 梁倩茹 袁浩斌,《澳門、香港和廣州老年人就醫狀況的調查》護理學雜誌(2020年 8期1431-1434页)
  9. 葉千紅 古勤 梁倩茹 (2019)澳門、香港和廣州老年活動中心的老年人社會支持及相關因素分析, 中華預防醫學雜誌, 53(10), 1059-1062.
  10. 葉千红, 温耀宗, 梁倩茹, 古勤 澳門、香港和廣州老年活動中心 ≥55歲人群個人幸福指數及相關因素分析, 中華預防醫學雜誌, 52(3): 308-311
  11. Leong, C.S.U (2017). Promoting Healthy Musculoskeletal Function by Applying Regular Exercises Education and Physical Activities in Senior Activity Centers, SHS Web of Conferences 37, 01007(2017)
  12. Leong, C.S.U, Clutter, B. L. (2015). Active learning improves nursing student clinical performance in an academic institution in Macao. Chinese Nursing Research 2: 35-39. 
  13. Leong, C.S.U , Clutter, B. L. & Ho, M. W. (2014). Empowering non-family caregivers of older adults in Macao Chinese society: combining theory knowledge lesson and basic care skill laboratory. Public Health Research 4(3): 98-103. 
  14. Leong, C.S.U (2013). Benefits from Increasing Salary, Employee Benefits and Rank for Promotion the Nursing Shortage in Macao Chinese Society. Universal Journal of Public Health 2(1): 10-16. 
  15. Leong, C.S.U, Xing, Z.H. & Wong, F.W.F. (2013). Professional nursing education development: a transitional milestone from diploma level to graduate level in Macao. Education 3(6): 279-286. .
  16. Leong, C.S.U (2012). Factors contributing to contemporary nursing shortage in Macao SAR, China. Journal of Nursing Management. 20: 491-501. 
  17. Leong, C.S.U., Gu, K. & Liu, M. (2012). Findings from a quantitative approach of nurses possibly related to the nursing shortage before policy modification in Macao. International Journal of Nursing Science 2(1): 1-7.
  18. Leong, C.S.U. & Wong, T.K.S. (2011). Factors influencing the sleep behavior of primary school-aged children in Macao. International Journal of Nursing Science 1(1): 1-8.
  19. Leong, C.S.U. & Wong, T.K.S. (2011). Sleepless in Macao: factors associated with sleep behavior and sleep duration among children in public and private schools. Public Health Research 1(1): 1-7.
  20. Leong, C.S.U. & Wong, T.K.S. (2011). The sleep of children: an inquiry into factors that may affect the adequacy of sleep among children attending primary schools in Macao. Journal of Health Sciences 1(1): 8-15.
  21. Leong, S.U. (2005). Medical Savings Accounts (MSAs): The New Way to Finance Health Care Services against Medicare and Medicaid Program. Macao Journal of Nursing 4(1): 28-32.


Conference Presentation:

  1. Leung, AYM, Cindy Sin U LEONG et al. Understanding of dementia and related services in Macao. A qualitative study. 12th Biennial Conference of the Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centres for Nursing and Midwifery, 18-19 July, 2018. WHOCC 2018, Cairns, Australia.
  2. Leung, A.Y.M., Cheong, P.K., Leong, C.S.U, Lam Nogueira, O.C.B., Liu, M., Van, I.K., Cheung, D.S.K., Xie, Y. J., Loke, A.Y., Molassiotis, A. Public awareness and attitude towards depression: A community-based qualitative study in Macao. A qualitative study. 12th Biennial Conference of the Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centres for Nursing and Midwifery, 18-19 July, 2018. WHOCC 2018, Cairns, Australia.
  3. Cindy Sin U LEONG. Factors influencing the sleep behavior among the older adults in Macao: a qualitative approach. 39th International Academic Conference, Amsterdam June 19–22, 2018, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences.
  4. Cindy Sin U LEONG. Promoting Healthy Musculoskeletal Function by Applying Regular Exercises Education and Physical Activities in Senior Activity Centers. International Congresses on Education 2017. May 18 – 21, 2017, Budapest/ Hungary, Educational Researches and Publications Associations (ERPA).
  5. Cindy Sin U LEONG. Healthy food choices behavior leading to healthy age: a qualitative study of older adults aged 65 and over. International Symposium on Economics and Social Science, July 12-14, 2016 University Tamkang University.
  6. Cindy Sin U LEONG. The pattern of participation in health lifestyles: a case of retired older women aged 60 and over in Macao. Third International Symposium on Economics and Social Science, July 22-24, 2015, Waseda, University, Tokyo, Japan (Oral).
  7. Cindy Sin U LEONG. Learning professional attitude: a qualitative study of the experience of clinical preceptors overseeing nursing students in clinical practicum in Macao. The Asian Symposium on Healthcare Without Borders: Enhancing Quality Healthcare Through Collaboration, August 6-8, 2014, Hiroshima, Japan (Oral).
  8. Cindy Sin U LEONG & Patricia Lange-Otsuka. Active Learning Behaviors Improve Nursing Student Performance During Practicum in a Public Academic Institution of Macao. Sigma Theta Tau International, 42nd Biennial Convention, 16-20 November 2013. Indianapolis, Indiana, USA (Poster).
  9. Cindy Sin U LEONG & Wai Wa Lam. Benefits of Implementation of Standard Fall Precaution Strategies: a Successful Case-Study at a Nursing Home in Macao SAR. The 10thWorld Congress on Long Term Care in Chinese Communities: ageing at home – Mobilizing Community Participation for Long Term Care of Elderly, 24-26 October 2013, Macao (Poster).
  10. Cindy Sin U LEONG. Policy modification: an appraisal to the great innovation to satisfy the nursing concerns in Macao. The 4th Suzhou International Nursing Forum and Seminar on Quality Nursing Care and Nurse-Patient Communication (SINF 4th), 24-28 August 2012, Suzhou, China (Keynote).
  11. Cindy Sin U LEONG & Thomas K.S. WONG. Parents’ Perceptions of Sleeping Behavior Regarding to their Children who are Studying in Primary and Secondary Schools in Macao SAR. Beijing International Nursing Conference: Altogether for Nursing, innovation with evidence, 8-10 June 2012. Beijing, China.
  12. Cindy Sin U LEONG. The role of domestic helpers in ageing care. 1st Macau International Medical Congress of China and Portuguese Speaking Countries. 27-30 November, 2011. StartWorld Hotel, Macau (Oral).
  13. Cindy Sin U LEONG & Thomas K. S. WONG. 澳門小學生睡眠行為. Release in MPI, 18th and in press in Macao daily News, 19th March, 2011 (Oral).
  14. Cindy Sin U LEONG & Thomas K.S. WONG. Sleep Behaviors of Children and Adolescent in Macao SAR, China. International Conference New Frontiers in Primary Health Care: Role of Nursing and Other Professions. February 4th – 6th, 2008, Chiang Mai, Thailand (Oral).
  15. Cindy Sin U LEONG & Thomas K.S. WONG. Nursing Manpower Shortage in Macao: A case of “not-so-developed” system. 18th International Nursing Research Congress Focusing on Evidence-Based Practice Collaboration: A Transdisciplinary Roadmap to Discovery 11-14 July 2007 Sigma Theta Tau International Honour Society of Nursing, Vienna Austria (Poster).
  16. Cindy Sin U LEONG. Demand for high quality health-care services vs. supply of low number of nursing staff. International Nursing Conference “Quality and Safety of Nursing Practice” 8-9 June 2007 Macao SAR, China. ESS, MPI (Oral).
  17. Cindy Sin U LEONG. The essential of applying rehabilitation and physical activities in long-term care. 4th Word Congress on Long Term Care in Chinese Communities. Health and Care Support for Long Term Care, 18-21 October 2006 (Poster).


Professional Training Activities:

  1. 2019 Macau Tertiary Education Professionals Training –
    Summer Study Program in Summer Study Program at University of Coimbra, Portugal, 23rd to 2nd July, 2019. Organized by Tertiary Education Services Office, Macao SAR.
  2. 2018 Cognitive Function Assessment Training, 20th and 29th April, organized by Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association. Organized by Macao Health Bureau.
  3. 2016 Macau Tertiary Education Professionals Training –
    Summer Study Program in University of Cambridge, UK, 15th to 25th July, 2016. Organized by Tertiary Education Services Office, Macao SAR.

科研興趣 Research interests
Research Interested:
Health development issues related to older adults
Sleep Behavior
Nursing Education Development
Nursing Manpower Resources

最近兩年任教科目 Subjects taught in last two years
- 基礎健康評估 (BASIC HEALTH ASSESSMENT) 2024/2025
- 專題習作 (CLINICAL PROJECT) 2024/2025
- 老年護理學 (GERIATRIC NURSING) 2024/2025
- 內外科護理學I (MEDICAL-SURGICAL NURSING I) 2024/2025
- 基礎健康評估 (BASIC HEALTH ASSESSMENT) 2023/2024
- 專題習作 (CLINICAL PROJECT) 2023/2024
- 老年護理學 (GERIATRIC NURSING) 2023/2024
- 內外科護理學I (MEDICAL-SURGICAL NURSING I) 2023/2024
- 微生物學 (MICROBIOLOGY) 2023/2024
- 論文 (THESIS) 2023/2024

研究人員檔案 Researcher Profile