姓名: 余達緯 Name: YU TAT WAI, BILLY

職銜 Academic title
副教授 Associate Professor
照片 Photo

電郵 Email: billyyu@mpu.edu.mo

辦公室電話 Tel: 3312 辦公室Office: 明德樓 (MENG TAK)-5/F, M534
Rua de Luís Gonzaga Gomes, Macau, China

學歷 Academic qualifications

個人簡介 Biography
余達緯於香港大學獲得博士學位。曾擔任電子商貿顧問,其後轉往學術界發展。憑顧問期間累積的經驗,他曾主持多個由政府或商界資助的巿場研究項目;範圍主要集中在經濟、物流及零售業方面。余採用的研究方法有定性的、也有定量的。他在問卷設計和數據分析等都有豐富經驗。在商界,他也講授短期行政課程及參與主題演講。學術上的歷練使他善於掌握分析工具:SPSS,LISREL,EViews和SAS Enterprise Miner。這不僅是學術研究的基礎,在商業研究中也能作出更健全和科學的分析;這些都有助於在實務中作出更清晰的決定。
Billy acquired a doctoral degree from the University of Hong Kong and started his career as an e-business consultant. He then switched to the academy. With the accumulated experience in the consulting industry, he administered multiple government-funded and commercial research projects. Key domains were developing economies, logistics and the retail markets. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were employed. He is skilful in survey design and analysis. On occasions, he lecture executive short course and engage in keynote speaking for professionals in the industries. The researches also made possible his mastery on analytical tools like SPSS, Lisrel, EViews and SAS Enterprise Miner. Not only had it served the academic purpose, it also allowed robust and scientific conclusions on commercial researches; and mostly it led to more comprehensive business implications for practice.

出版 Publications
On Management
Yu, Billy T.W. and To, W.M. (in press, 2013) “The effect of internal information generation and dissemination on casino employee work related behaviors,” International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol. XX, No. X http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0278431912001508 (SSCI)
Lee, K.C., To, W.M. and Yu, T.W. (accepted, 2013) “Team attributes and performance in operational service teams: An empirical taxonomy development,” International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. XX, No. X http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpe.2012.05.005 (SCI)
Yu, T.W., To, W.M. and Lee, K.C. (2012) “Quality management framework for public management decision making,” Management Decision, Vol. 50, No. 3., pp.420-438. (SSCI)
W.M. To, Peter K.C. Lee, Billy T.W. Yu, (2012) 'Benefits of implementing management system standards: A case study of certified companies in the Pearl River Delta, China', TQM Journal, Vol. 24 No. 1, pp.17 – 28. (EI)
Yu, T.W. and To, W.M. (2011) “The Importance of Input control to work performance under the agency theory framework,” International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol.22, No.14, pp.2874-91. (SSCI)
To, W.M., Lee, K.C. and Yu, T.W. (2011) “ISO9001:2000 Implementation in the Public Sector: A Survey in Macao SAR, the People’s Republic of China,” TQM Journal, Vol.23, No.1, pp.59-72. (EI)
Lee, K.C., To, W.M. and Yu, T.W. (2009) “The Implementation and Performance Outcomes of ISO 9000 in Service Organizations: an Empirical Taxonomy Development”, International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, Vol. 26, No.7 pp. 646 – 662. (INSPEC).
Yu, T.W. and To, W.M. (2008) “Effects of Control Mechanisms on Positive Organizational Change”, Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol.21, No.3, pp.385-404. (SSCI)
Wong, N.H. and Yu, T.W. (2006) A historical Perspective on Modern Casino Management, Journal of Macau Studies, Vol. 36, pp. 86 - 91.
Yu, B.T.W., Lee, P.K.C., and To, W.M. (2006) “Considerations of KMS implementation on Concurrent Engineering - economic perspectives,” CE2006, the 13th ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering, Juan-les-Pins, France.

On Business and Marketing
Yu, B.T.W. (2010) “Online Product Review on Manufacturer Sites” Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science (ICSESS2010), pp387 - 391. (EI)
Yu, B.T.W. (2009) “Do male and female favor online product review the same?” Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Electronic Commerce (ICEB 2009), pp446-453. (EI)
Yu, B.T.W. (2009) “The role of information quality in TAM for product review on bulletin board,” Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, pp.387-390.
Yu, B.T.W. (2006) 藝文消費行為分析報告(澳門)粵港澳三地市民藝文消費行為調查分析及報告, Home Affairs Bureau, The HKSAR Government, China.
Yu, B.T.W., Lee, P.K.C., and To, W.M. (2005), “Wanted combinations of supplier attributes for PRD manufacturers,” Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Conference of Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), Chicago, IL, U.S.A.

Others disciplines
W.M. To, T.W. Yu, T.M. Lai, S.P. Li (2007) Characterization of commercial clothes dryers based on energy-efficiency analysis, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, Volume:19, Issue:5 pp. 277 – 290. (SCI)
Yu, B.T.W., To, W.M. and Lee, P.K.C. (2006), “A model for Knowledge Management System for offshoring,” International Conference on Business Knowledge Management, Macau.
Yu, B.T.W., Lee, P.K.C., and To, W.M. (2006) “The stress level of dealers in the Macao gaming industry,” The 3rd International Conference on Gaming Industry and Public Welfare, Peking University, Beijing, China.
Yu, T.W., Wong, D. and To, W.M. (2006) “Local Cultural Influences on the Perceptions of the Macao Gaming Industry”, Proceedings of the International Conference on the Gaming Industry and Public Welfare, Beijing, December 2006.
Lee, K.C., To, W.M. and Yu, T.W. (2004) “An Exploratory Study on the Gaming Education and Training of Macao”, Proceedings of the International Conference on the Gaming Industry and Public Welfare, Beijing, December 2004.
Yu, T.W., Lee, K.C. and To, W.M. (2004) “Contemporary Issues on Vocational Training for the Macao Gaming Industry”, Proceedings of the International Conference on the Gaming Industry and Public Welfare, Beijing, December 2004.

最近兩年任教科目 Subjects taught in last two years
- 商業智能 (BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE) 2024/2025
- 數據庫管理 (DATABASE MANAGEMENT) 2024/2025
- 電子業務應用技術 (E-BUSINESS APPLICATIONS) 2024/2025
- 畢業報告I (GRADUATION REPORT I) 2024/2025
- 畢業報告II (GRADUATION REPORT II) 2024/2025
- 項目報告 (PROJECT REPORT) 2024/2025
- 供應鏈管理 (SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT) 2024/2025
- 商業智能 (BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE) 2023/2024
- 數據庫管理 (DATABASE MANAGEMENT) 2023/2024
- 電子業務應用技術 (E-BUSINESS APPLICATIONS) 2023/2024
- 畢業報告I (GRADUATION REPORT I) 2023/2024
- 畢業報告II (GRADUATION REPORT II) 2023/2024
- 供應鏈管理 (SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT) 2023/2024

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