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Lee, K.C., To, W.M. and Yu, T.W. (accepted, 2013) “Team attributes and performance in operational service teams: An empirical taxonomy development,” International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. XX, No. X http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpe.2012.05.005 (SCI) |
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Yu, T.W., To, W.M. and Lee, K.C. (2012) “Quality management framework for public management decision making,” Management Decision, Vol. 50, No. 3., pp.420-438. (SSCI) |
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W.M. To, Peter K.C. Lee, Billy T.W. Yu, (2012) 'Benefits of implementing management system standards: A case study of certified companies in the Pearl River Delta, China', TQM Journal, Vol. 24 No. 1, pp.17 – 28. (EI) |
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Yu, T.W. and To, W.M. (2011) “The Importance of Input control to work performance under the agency theory framework,” International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol.22, No.14, pp.2874-91. (SSCI) |
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To, W.M., Lee, K.C. and Yu, T.W. (2011) “ISO9001:2000 Implementation in the Public Sector: A Survey in Macao SAR, the People’s Republic of China,” TQM Journal, Vol.23, No.1, pp.59-72. (EI) |
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Lee, K.C., To, W.M. and Yu, T.W. (2009) “The Implementation and Performance Outcomes of ISO 9000 in Service Organizations: an Empirical Taxonomy Development”, International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, Vol. 26, No.7 pp. 646 – 662. (INSPEC). |
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Yu, T.W. and To, W.M. (2008) “Effects of Control Mechanisms on Positive Organizational Change”, Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol.21, No.3, pp.385-404. (SSCI) |
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Wong, N.H. and Yu, T.W. (2006) A historical Perspective on Modern Casino Management, Journal of Macau Studies, Vol. 36, pp. 86 - 91. |
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Yu, B.T.W., Lee, P.K.C., and To, W.M. (2006) “Considerations of KMS implementation on Concurrent Engineering - economic perspectives,” CE2006, the 13th ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering, Juan-les-Pins, France. |
On Business and Marketing |
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Yu, B.T.W. (2010) “Online Product Review on Manufacturer Sites” Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science (ICSESS2010), pp387 - 391. (EI) |
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Yu, B.T.W. (2009) “Do male and female favor online product review the same?” Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Electronic Commerce (ICEB 2009), pp446-453. (EI) |
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Yu, B.T.W. (2009) “The role of information quality in TAM for product review on bulletin board,” Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, pp.387-390. |
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Yu, B.T.W. (2006) 藝文消費行為分析報告(澳門),粵港澳三地市民藝文消費行為調查分析及報告, Home Affairs Bureau, The HKSAR Government, China. |
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Yu, B.T.W., Lee, P.K.C., and To, W.M. (2005), “Wanted combinations of supplier attributes for PRD manufacturers,” Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Conference of Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), Chicago, IL, U.S.A. |
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W.M. To, T.W. Yu, T.M. Lai, S.P. Li (2007) Characterization of commercial clothes dryers based on energy-efficiency analysis, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, Volume:19, Issue:5 pp. 277 – 290. (SCI) |
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Yu, B.T.W., To, W.M. and Lee, P.K.C. (2006), “A model for Knowledge Management System for offshoring,” International Conference on Business Knowledge Management, Macau. |
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Yu, B.T.W., Lee, P.K.C., and To, W.M. (2006) “The stress level of dealers in the Macao gaming industry,” The 3rd International Conference on Gaming Industry and Public Welfare, Peking University, Beijing, China. |
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Yu, T.W., Wong, D. and To, W.M. (2006) “Local Cultural Influences on the Perceptions of the Macao Gaming Industry”, Proceedings of the International Conference on the Gaming Industry and Public Welfare, Beijing, December 2006. |
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Lee, K.C., To, W.M. and Yu, T.W. (2004) “An Exploratory Study on the Gaming Education and Training of Macao”, Proceedings of the International Conference on the Gaming Industry and Public Welfare, Beijing, December 2004. |
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Yu, T.W., Lee, K.C. and To, W.M. (2004) “Contemporary Issues on Vocational Training for the Macao Gaming Industry”, Proceedings of the International Conference on the Gaming Industry and Public Welfare, Beijing, December 2004. |