1 |
Books: 《Development of Sport and Physical Education in Macao》, Chief-editor, published on November 2001 by People Sport Publishing House of China, Beijing. 著作: 《澳門體育發展》中國人民體育出版社出版,2001年11月 (主編), ISBN 7-5009-2217-5 (28萬字) |
2 |
Books: 《Manual of Related-fitness and Mental Health for the Juvenile in Macao》, Chief-editor, published on December 2000 by Macao Polytechnic Institute, Macao, ISBN 99937-33-03-2. 著作: 《澳門青少年體質與心理健康指南》澳門理工學院出版,2000年12月(主編),ISBN 99937-33-03-2 |
3 |
Books: 《Manual of Related-fitness and Mental Health for the Elderly in Macao》, Chief-editor, published on April 1999 by Macao Polytechnic Institute, Macao, ISBN 972-97841-4-0. 著作: 《田徑經驗論》北京燕山出版社出版, 2000年7月,ISBN 7-5402-058-6(撰寫第四部分 “澳門田徑運動發展歷史的研究” |
4 |
Books: 《Experiences of Track and Field in China》, author of Chapter Four “Historical Study of Track and Field in Macao” published on July 2000 by Beijing Yanshan Publishing House of China, Beijing. ISBN 7-5402-0580-6. 著作:《澳門老年人體質與心理健康指南》澳門理工學院出版,1999年4月 (主編), ISBN 972-97841-4-0 |
5 |
Books: 《Proceedings of the XVII International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sports》, edited by Rose Sanders, “Kinesiological Analysis of Overarm Throwing for Accuracy with Dominant and Non-dominant arms”, P37-40. Published on June 1999 by Edith Cowan University, Australia, ISBN 0-7298-0455-0. 著作:《第17屆國際運動生物力學年會論文匯編》澳大利亞愛迪斯卡文大學(Edith Cowan University)出版,1999年6月, ISBN 0-7298-0455-0 (撰寫“優勢手和非優勢手上手準確性投球的生物力學分析” ) |
6 |
Books: 《Presentation of Macao: Proceeding of The Conference of Universities of Portuguese Speaking Countries》 edited by Gabinete de Apoio ao Ensino Superior, “ Comparison of Bachelor Degree Curriculum in Physical Education among China, Portugal and Macao”, published in 1999 by Publish Center of University of Macao, Macao, ISBN 972-8359-34-9 著作:《葡語大學協會第九屆年會澳門之出席》澳門高等教育輔助辦公室出版,1999年,ISBN 972-8359-34-9 (撰寫“中國、葡萄牙和澳門體育學士學位課程設置的比較研究”) |
7 |
Books: 《Children and Exercise XIX Promoting Health and Well-being》 edited by Neil Armstrong, “A Study of Knee Isokinetic Strength in Pre-adolescence”, P313-318. Published in 1997 by E & FN Spon, 2-6 Boundary Row, London, ISBN 0-419-22100. 著作: 《青少年與健康促進》英國倫敦 E & FN Spon 出版社出版,1997年,ISBN 0-419-22100 (撰寫“青春前期少年膝關節等動力量的研究”) |
8 |
Books: 《Theories of Track and Field 》, co-author, published in 1996 by People Sport Publishing House of China, Beijing. ISBN 7---5009---1304---4. 著作:《第14屆國際運動生物力學年會論文匯編》葡萄牙里斯本技術大學(Universidade Technica de Lisboa)出版,1996年6月,SBN 972-735-030-5 (撰寫“不同項目運動員下肢等動力量的特徵”) |
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Books: 《Proceedings of XIV International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sports》, edited by Joao Abrantes, “Isokinetic Strength Characteristics of Four Different Event Athletes”, P343-346. Published in 1996 by Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa Funchal-Madeira-Portugal. ISBN 972-735-030-5. 著作: 《田徑熱點論》中國人民體育出版社出版,1995年11月,ISBN 7-5009-1304-4 (撰寫第九章“世界優秀田徑運動員的最佳競技年齡特徵的新變化與分析) |
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Books: 《Proceedings of the Ninth Biomechanics Seminar 1995》 edited by Christian Hogfors, “Concentric and Eccentric Muscle Function”, P148-153. Published in 1995 by Chalmers University of Technology, Goteborg, Sweden. ISSN 1100-2247. 著作:《哥德堡生物力學研討會論文集》瑞典哥德堡大學(Goteborg University)出版,1995年5月,ISSN 1100-2247 (撰寫“肌肉離心和向心收縮功能研究”) |
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Books: 《'The Chronicle of World Sports》, co-author, published in 1993 by Zhi Gong Publishing House, Beijing. ISBN 7---80096---027—7/G × 15. 著作:《世界體育大事典》中國致公出版社出版,1993年8月,ISBN 7-80096-027-7 (撰稿人之一) |
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Journal Papers (First Author): Developmental Trend of Sport in Macao in 2010. Journal of Chinese Sport Science and Technology, Vo 7, 2001. 論文﹝第一作者﹞: “2010年澳門體育的發展趨勢與展望” 《中國體育科技》,2001年12期 |
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Journal Papers (First Author): A Comprehensive Study of Depression on the Elderly in Macao. Journal of Chinese Mental Health, Vo 5, 2001. 論文﹝第一作者﹞: “澳門老年人抑鬱症狀及其影響因素調查分析”《中國心理衛生雜誌》, 2001年5期 |
14 |
論文﹝第一作者﹞:“體質研究與社會發展”《澳門體育》,2001年4期 |
15 |
Journal Papers (First Author): The Isokenetic Characteristics of Four Different Sports. Journal of China Sports Science Society, Vol. 18, 1998, Beijing, China. 論文﹝第一作者﹞: “ 澳門運動員的等動力量特徵的研究” 《中國體育科學》,1998年18卷 |
16 |
Journal Papers (First Author): A Biomechanical Study on the Isokietic Strength of Male and Female Pre-puberty Adolescents. Journal of China Sports Science Society, Vol. 18, 1998, Beijing, China. 論文﹝第一作者﹞: “青春發育前期男女兒童等動力量特徵的生物力學分析” 《中國體育科學》,1998年18卷 |
17 |
Journal Papers (First Author): A Comparative Study on Knee Isokinetic Strength between pre-adolescence and Adult. Journal of Macao Polytechnic Institute, Vo 1 (2) 62-68, 1998. 論文﹝第一作者﹞: “青春發育前期兒童與成年人等動力量的比較研究” 《澳門理工學院學報》,1998年2期 |
18 |
Journal Papers (First Author): Isokinetic Strength Characteristics of Four Different Event Athletes. Journal of Macao Polytechnic Institute, Vo 1 (1) 33-43, 1998. 論文﹝第一作者﹞: “ 4種不同項目運動員的等動力量的特徵《澳門理工學院學報》,1998年1期 |
19 |
Journal Papers (First Author): The Relation between The Isokinetic Characteristics and Specific Tests. Journal of Iowa Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. Vol. 30 Fall, 1996, Iowa, U.S.A. 論文﹝第一作者﹞: “等動力量與身體素質指標的關係”美國依阿華《健康、體育、娛樂和舞蹈協會雜誌》,1996年1期 |
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Journal Papers (First Author): The Practical Study of Applying Redundant Theory on the Learning of Sport Skill. Journal of Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education, Vol. 3,1993, Guangzhou, China. 論文﹝第一作者﹞: “冗余理論在運動技能學習中的實驗研究” 《廣州體育學院學報》,1993年3期 |
21 |
Journal Papers (First Author): The Evaluation of Chinese Elite Javelin Throwers' Release Parameter. Journal of Chinese Sport Science, Vol. 6, 1993, Beijing, China. 論文﹝第一作者﹞: “中國優秀標槍運動員最後用力的生物力學研究” 《中國體育科學》,1993年6卷 |
22 |
Journal Papers (First Author): A Study on the Velocity of Final Delivery Phase of Throwing. Journal of Biomechanics (Special Issue, 1992 for XIV International Biomechanics Congress) England, UK. 論文﹝第一作者﹞: “投擲項目最後用力的運動學研究英國國《生物力學》,1992年增刊 |
23 |
Journal Papers (First Author): The Theoretical Study of Applying Redundant principle on Sport Skill. Journal of Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education, Vol. 2, 1990, Guangzhou, China. |
24 |
Journal Papers (First Author): Statistical Analysis of 23rd Olympic Thrower's Technique. Journal of Xian Institute of Physical Education. Vol. 2, 1989, Xian, China. 論文﹝第一作者﹞: “ 23屆奧運會投擲技術的統計學分析” 《西安體育學院學報》,1988年2期 |
25 |
Journal Papers (First Author): The Experimental Research on Using Slope Board for Teaching. Journal of Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education, Vol. 1, 1989, Guangzhou, China. “利用斜板進行鉛球技術教學的實驗研究”《廣州體育學院學報》1989年1期 |
26 |
Journal Papers (First Author): Biomechanical Analysis of Chinese Elite Javelin Thrower's Technique. Journal of Xian Institute of Physical Education. Vol. 1, 1988, Xian, China. |
27 |
Journal Papers (Second Author): A Comparative Study of The Elderly between Shanghai and Macao. Journal of Shanghai Institute of Physical Education, Vo 3, 2000. 論文﹝第二作者﹞: “上海、澳門兩地老年人體質的比較研究” 《上海體育學院學報》,2000年3期 |
28 |
Journal Papers (Second Author): | A Study of Depression and Its Influences on The Elderly in Macao. Journal of Macao Polytechnic Institute, Vo 3(1) 107-116, 1999. |
29 |
Journal Papers (Second Author): Comparative Study of Electromyographic Activities between Isokinetic and Isotonic Strength Training. Journal of China Sports Science Society, Vol. 18, 1998, Beijing, China. 論文﹝第二作者﹞: “不同重量負重力量訓練肌電活動的比較研究”《中國體育科學》,1998年18卷 |
30 |
Journal Papers (Second Author): A Study on the Development of Community Sports in Macao. Journal of China Sports Science Society, Vol. 18, 1998, Beijing, China. 論文﹝第二作者﹞: “澳門社區體育發展現狀之研究” 《中國體育科學》,1998年18卷 |
31 |
Journal Papers (Second Author): Study of Track and Field Theory Standard Test. Journal of Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education, Vol. 2, 1989, Guangzhou, China. 論文﹝第二作者﹞: “田徑理論標準化考試的研究” 《廣州體育學院學報》,1989年2期 |
32 |
Presentation (First Author): “Current Situation and Strategies of Health-Related Fitness in Macao ”, Keynote Speech, presented in Scientific Congress of the 9th National Game of China, Guangzhou, China, November 3-7, 2001. 報告﹝第一作者﹞: “澳門居民體質的現狀及發展對策”第九屆全國運動會體育科學大會專題報告,2001年11月3-7日,第九屆全國運動會組委會主辦,中國廣州. |
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Presentation (First Author): “Relationship between Speed and Accuracy in the Learning of the Overarm Throw for Accuracy” presented on the Sixth International Olympic Committee (IOC) World Congress on Sport Sciences, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, September 2001 16-21, 2001 .報告﹝第一作者﹞: “上手準確性投擲學習中速度與準確性的關係的研究” 第六屆國際奧委會世界運動科學大會,2001年9月16-21日,2002年冬季奧運會組委會主辦,美國猶他州鹽湖城 |
34 |
Presentation (First Author): “Bilateral Transfer in the Learning of the Overarm Throw for Accuracy” presented on the Sixth International Olympic Committee (IOC) World Congress on Sport Sciences, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, September 2001 16-21, 2001. 報告﹝第一作者﹞: “上手準確性投擲學習的兩側性遷移”第六屆國際奧委會世界運動科學大會,2001年9月16- 21日,2002年冬季奧運會組委會主辦,美國猶他州鹽湖城 |
35 |
Presentation (First Author): “The Development of Higher Physical Education in Macao” presented on Seminar of Future Development of Macao Polytechnic Institute, Macao, February 24, 2001 |
36 |
報告﹝第一作者﹞: “骨骼肌疲勞及損傷生物力學研究進展”兩岸四地運動生物力學家學術會議,2001年5月24- 28日,中國寧波大學主辦,中國寧波 |
37 |
報告﹝第一作者﹞: “步態生物力學研究進展”兩岸四地運動生物力學家學術會議,2001年5月24-28日,中國寧波大學主辦,中國寧波 |
38 |
Presentation (First Author): “Development and Prospects of Social Sports in Macao in 21st Century” presented as Keynote Speech on the 6th Chinese National Conference of Sport Science, China Sports Science Society, Wuhan, China, December 1-6, 2000 報告﹝第一作者﹞: “ 21世紀澳門社會體育的發展與展望”第六屆中國體育科學大會主題報告,2000年12月1-6日,中國體育科學學會主辦,中國武漢 |
39 |
Presentation (First Author): “A Comparative Study on the Factors Influencing Mental Health between Hong Kong and Macao for the Students of Secondary School” presented on the 6th Chinese National Conference of Sport Science, China Sports Science Society, Wuhan, China, December 1-6, 2000 報告﹝第一作者﹞: “澳門、香港兩地中小學生參加體育活動的運動量水平及其對心理健康影響效應的比較研究” 第六屆全國體育科學大會專題報告,2000年12月1-6日,中國體育科學學會主辦,中國武漢 |
40 |
Presentation (First Author): “A Tracing Study of Health-related Fitness for the Juvenile in Macao” presented on the 6th Chinese National Conference of Sport Science, China Sports Science Society, Wuhan, China, December 1-6, 2000 報告﹝第一作者﹞: “澳門青少年體質狀況的追綜研究” 第六屆全國體育科學大會,2000年12月1-6日,中國體育科學學會主辦,中國武漢 |
41 |
Presentation (First Author): “The Current Situation and Strategy of Developing Sport Science and Technology in Macao” presented on Asian Conference on Sports Science in the New Millennium, China Sports Science Society, National Research Institute of Sports Science, P. R. China and Korea Sport Science Institute, Beijing, China, November 20-24, 2000 報告﹝第一作者﹞: “澳門體育科技發展的現狀及對策”新世紀亞洲體育科學研討會,2000年11月20-24日,中國體育科學學會與國家體育科學研究所主辦,中國北京 |
42 |
Presentation (First Author): “Prospects of Physical Education and Sports in Macao 2010” Keynote Speech, presented on the First Congress of Sports Science in Macao, Macao Society of Sport Sciences and Physical Education, Macao, November 2-4, 2000 報告﹝第一作者﹞: “ 澳門體育發展的戰略研究”第一屆澳門運動科學大會主題報告,2000年11月2-4日,澳門體育暨運動科學學會主辦,中國澳門 |
43 |
Presentation (First Author): “The Development and Prospects of Higher Physical Education and Sports Science in Macao” presented on Conference on Co-operation and Development of Higher Education in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, Macao Polytechnic Institute, Macao, October 31-November 1, 2000 |
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Presentation (First Author): “Current Situation and Its Development of Higher Physical Education in Macao” presented on the Third President’s Forum of Asian Pacific Region in Physical Education and Sport, Beijing University of Physical Education, Beijing, May 17-21, 2000. 報告﹝第一作者﹞: “澳門體育高等教育的現狀及發展趨勢” 第三屆亞洲與太平洋體育大學校長論壇,2000年5 月17- 21日,北京體育大學主辦,中國北京 |
45 |
Presentation (First Author): “Historical Study of Track and Field in Macao” presented on 6th Research Symposium of National Association of Track and Field, Nanjing Institute of Physical Education, Nanjing, October 19, 1999. 報告﹝第一作者﹞: “澳門田徑運動的歷史研究”1999年中國田徑理論研討會專題報告,1999年10月17-19日,南京體育學院主辦,中國南京 |
46 |
Presentation (First Author): “A Comparative Study on Health-related Fitness of Elderly People from Four Chinese Cities” presented on 2000 Pre-Olympic International Congress on Sport Science, Sport Medicine and Physical Education, Brisbane, Australia, September 7-12, 2000. 報告﹝第一作者﹞: “中國四城市(北京、上海、廣州、澳門)老年人體質的比較研究” 2000年奧林匹克體育科學大會專題報告,2000年9月7-12日,第27屆奧運會組委會主辦,澳大利亞布里斯班 |
47 |
Presentation (First Author): “An EMG Analysis of Eight Muscles in Snatch with Different Weight” presented on 2000 Pre-Olympic International Congress on Sport Science, Sport Medicine and Physical Education, Brisbane, Australia, September 7-12, 2000. 報告﹝第一作者﹞: “不同重量時負重訓練時八塊肌肉的肌電分析” 2000奧林匹克體育科學大會,2000年9月7- 12日,第27屆奧運會組委會主辦,澳大利亞布里斯班 |
48 |
Presentation (First Author): “Rooted in Macao, Facing the World and Serving the Community” presented on Seminar of Future Development of Macao Polytechnic Institute, Macao, February 17, 2000 |
49 |
Presentation (First Author): “Kineisological Analysis of Overarm Throwing for Accuracy with Dominant and Non-dominant arms” presented on the XVII International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sports, Perth, Australia, June 29-July 4, 1999. 報告﹝第一作者﹞: “優勢手和非優勢手上手準確性投球的生物力學分析” 17屆國際運動生物力學年會專題報告,1999年6月29日-7月4日,國際運動生物力學學會主辦,澳大利亞佩斯 |
50 |
Presentation (First Author): “A Comparison of Bachelor Degree Curriculum in Physical Education among China, Portugal and Macao” presented on the Conference of Universities of Portuguese Speaking Countries, Maputo, Mozambique, June 13-16, 1999 報告﹝第一作者﹞: “中國、葡萄牙和澳門體育學士學位課程設置的比較研究”葡語大學協會第九屆年會,1999年6月13-16日,葡語大學協會主辦,莫桑比克曼普托 |
51 |
Presentation (First Author): “A Comparative Study of Adolescent Motor Abilities Among Macao, Shanghai and Tokyo” presented on 13th Asian Games Scientific Congress, Bangkok, Thailand, November 30 to December 3, 1998 報告﹝第一作者﹞: “澳門、上海、東京青少年運動能力的比較研究”第13屆亞運會體育科學大會,1998年11月 30日至12月3日,第13屆亞運會組委會主辦,泰國曼谷 |
52 |
Presentation (First Author): “The Comparison of Adolescent Health-related Fitness between Macao and Shanghai” presented on 13th Asian Games Scientific Congress, Bangkok, Thailand, November 30 to December 3, 1998 報告﹝第一作者﹞: “澳門與上海青少年體質的比較研究”第13屆亞運會體育科學大會,1998年11月30日至12月3日,第13屆亞運會組委會主辦,泰國曼谷 |
53 |
Presentation (First Author): “A Study of Knee Isokenetic Strength in Pre-adolence” presented on Research Symposium’98 Teaching and Coaching in Sports and Physical Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong, May 8-10, 1998. 報告﹝第一作者﹞: “ 10-11歲兒童膝部等動力量的特徵的研究” 1998年體育教學與訓練研討會,1998年5月 8-10日,香港中文大學主辦,中國香港 |
54 |
Presentation (First Author): “The Isokenetic Characteristics of Four Different Sports” was presented on the Fifth National Sports Scientific Congress, Beijing, China, November 18-20, 1997. 報告﹝第一作者﹞: “四種不同運動項目運動員的等動力量特徵” 第五屆全國體育科學大會,1997年11月18- 20日,中國體育科學學會主辦,中國北京 |
55 |
Presentation (First Author): “A Comparative Study of Electromyographic Activities between Isokinetic and Isotonic Strength Training” was presented on the Fifth National Sports Scientific Congress, Beijing, China, November 18-20, 1997. 報告﹝第一作者﹞: “等動力量訓練和和等張力量訓練的肌電的比較研究” 第五屆全國體育科學大會,1997年11月18-20日,中國體育科學學會主辦,中國北京 |
56 |
Presentation (First Author): “A Biomechanical Study on the Isokietic Strenght of Male and Female Pre-puberty Adolescents” was presented on the Fifth National Sports Scientific Congress, Beijing, China, November 18-20, 1997. 報告﹝第一作者﹞: “男女兒童等動力量的生物力學研究” 第五屆全國體育科學大會,1997年11月18-20日,中國體育科學學會主辦,中國北京 |
57 |
報告﹝第一作者﹞: “澳門社區體育的發展趨勢” 第五屆全國體育科學大會,1997年11月18-20日,中國體育科學學會主辦,中國北京 |
58 |
Presentation (First Author): “A Correlational Research between Isokinetic Strength and Specific Tests” presented on 97 Symposium on Research in Sports Science and Physical Education South-East Asia Perspective, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong, May 9-11, 1997. 報告﹝第一作者﹞: “等動力量與身體素質測試的相關分析” 1997東南亞地區體育及運動科學研討會,1997年5月9-11日,香港中文大學主辦,香港 |
59 |
Presentation (First Author): “The Relation between Isokinetic Characteristics and Specific Tests” presented on The 1996 International Pre-Olympic Scientific Congress, Dallas, Texas USA. July 10-14, 1996. 報告﹝第一作者﹞: “等動力量與跳躍能力的相關研究” 1996奧林匹克體育科學大會,1996年7月10-14日,第26屆奧運會組委會主辦,美國德克薩斯州達拉斯 |
60 |
Presentation (First Author): “Isokinetic Muscle Functioning” presented on IV Congress of Physical Education and Sport Science, Coimbra, Portugal, March 2-5,1995. 報告﹝第一作者﹞: “等動力量訓練的研究” 葡萄牙科英布拉第四屆體育科學大會, 1995年5月2-5,葡萄牙科英布拉大學主辦,葡萄牙科英布拉市 |
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Presentation (First Author): “Concentric and Eccentric Muscle Function”, Presented on 1995 Biomechanics Seminar, April, 1995, Chalmers University of Technology, Goteborg, Sweden. 報告﹝第一作者﹞: “向心和離心收縮功能研究” 1995哥德堡生物力學研討會,1995年4月,瑞典哥德堡大學主辦,瑞典哥德堡 |
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Presentation (First Author): “Experimental Study of Bilateral Transfer on the Learning of Sports Skill”, was presented on the 8th World Congress of the International Society of Sport Psychology, Lisbon, Portugal, June 1993. 報告﹝第一作者﹞: “運動技能學習的兩側性遷移的實驗研究”國際運動心理學學會第八屆世界大會,1993年3月,葡萄牙里斯本技術大學主辦,葡萄牙里斯本 |
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Presentation (First Author): “Kinetic Analysis of Whip Action in Javelin Throwing” was presented on the XIVth International Congress on Biomechanics, Paris, France, July 4-8, 1993. 報告﹝第一作者﹞: “標槍鞭打動作的運動學分析”第14屆國際生物力學大會,1993年7月4-8日,國際生物力學學會主辦,法國巴黎 |
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Presentation (First Author): “Kinematic Analysis of Whip Action in Javelin Throwing” was presented on the XIVth International Congress on Biomechanics, Paris, France, July 4-8, 1993. 報告﹝第一作者﹞: “標槍鞭打動作的動力學分析”第14屆國際生物力學大會,1993年7月4-8日,國際生物力學學會主辦,法國巴黎 |
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Presentation (First Author): “An Analysis of Bilateral Transfer in Motor Learning” was presented on the Fourth National Sports Scientific Congress, Shangdong, China, December 9-11, 1992. 報告﹝第一作者﹞: “投擲技能兩側性遷移的實驗分析” 第四屆全國體育科學大會專題報告,1992年12月9-11日,中國體育科學學會主辦,中國山東 |
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Presentation (First Author): “A Biomechanical Study of Chinese Javelin Throwers” was presented on the Fourth National Sports Scientific Congress, Shangdong, China, December 9-11, 1992. 報告﹝第一作者﹞: “中國優秀標槍運動員最後用力的生物力學研究” 第四屆全國體育科學大會專題報告,1992年12月9-11日,中國體育科學學會主辦,中國山東 |
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Presentation (First Author): “Biomechanical Analysis of Javelin Throw” was presented on The XIIIth International Congress on Biomechanics, University of WA, Perth, Australia, December 8 to 14, 1991. 報告﹝第一作者﹞: “標槍的生物力學分析”第13屆國際生物力學大會,1991年12月8-12日,國際生物力學學會主辦,澳大利亞佩斯 |
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Presentation (Second Author): “Current Research of Muscular Material Mechanics” presented on Seminar of Sport Biomechanics among Mainland, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao, Ningpo, Zhejiang Province, May 8-12, 2001. |
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Presentation (Second Author): “Current Research of Children Gait Analysis” presented on Seminar of Sport Biomechanics among Mainland, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao, Ningpo, Zhejiang Province, May 8-12, 2001. |
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Presentation (Second Author): “A Study on the Development of Community Sports in Macao” was presented on the Fifth National Sports Scientific Congress, Beijing, China, November 18-20, 1997. |