姓名: 孟麗榮 Name: MENG LI RONG, GRACE

職銜 Academic title
教授 Professor

電郵 Email: lrmeng@mpu.edu.mo

辦公室電話 Tel: 3449 辦公室Office: 明德樓 (MENG TAK)-7/F, M726
Rua de Luís Gonzaga Gomes, Macau, China

學歷 Academic qualifications

個人簡介 Biography
  • 國家科技部項目評審專家庫專家
  • 國家科學技術獎勵評審專家庫專家

出版 Publications

(Publications in SCI - listed Journals—2012-2023)

  1. Rui Tian; Zheying Huang; Lifang Li;Jingping Yuan; Qinghua Zhang; Lirong Meng; Bin Lang; Yongfeng Hong; Chaoyue Zhong; Xun Tian; Zifeng Cui; Zhuang Jin; Jiashuo Liu; Zhaoyue Huang; Yuyan Wang; Ye Chen; Zheng Hu; HPV integration generates a cellular super-enhancer which functions as ecDNA to regulate genome-wide transcription. Nucleic acids research, 2023, 51(9):4237-4251(IF: 19.16)
  2. Ye Chen, Lirong Meng, Bin Lang, Lifang, Jiashuo Liu, Yuyan Wang, Zheying Huang, Xun Tian, Rui Tian, Zheng Hu. A Cas12a ortholog with distinct TTNA PAM enables sensitive detection of HPV16/18. Cell Reports Methods, 2023, 3(4)(CellPress)
  3. Chiufai Kuok, Qi Wang, Pedro Fong, Yong Qin, Lirong Meng.Inhibitory effect of Hernandezine on the proliferation of hepatocellular carcinoma. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2023, 46(2): 245-256
  4. Meng LI Rong .Effects of cordycepin, gold nanostar, and their combination on endometrial cancer cells. Natural Product Communications, 2020, 15(8): 1-9
  5. Meng LI Rong .Antitumor effects of mrs5698, a cordycepin derivative, on endometrial cancer cells. Natural product communications, 2019, 14(10):1–7
  6. Meng LI Rong. In silico and in vitro anti-helicobacter pylori effects of combinations of phytochemicals and antibiotics. Molecules, 2019, 24(19): reference no.3608
  7. Meng Lirong. Long non-coding RNA CDKN2B antisense RNA 1 gene contributes to Paclitaxel resistance in endometrial carcinoma. Frontiers in Oncology, 2019(9), article no. 27
  8. Meng Lirong. lncRNA TUG1 Promotes Cisplatin Resistance by Regulating CCND2 via Epigenetically Silencing miR-194-5p in Bladder Cancer. Molecular Therapy - Nucleic Acids, 2019(16):257-271
  9. Meng Lirong. Elder abuse and its impact on quality of life in nursing homes in China. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 2018(78):155-159
  10. Meng Lirong . Experimental and in silico analysis of cordycepin and its derivatives as endometrial cancer treatment. Oncology Research. 2018
  11. Meng Lirong . Long non-coding RNA tumor suppressor candidate 7 advances chemotherapy sensitivity of endometrial carcinoma through targeted silencing of miR-23b .Tumor Biology. June 2017: 1–8
  12. Meng Lirong .Quality of life and clinical correlates in older adults living in the community and in nursing homes in Macao. PSYCHOGERIATRICS 2017
  13. Meng Lirong .Synergistic antibacterial effects of herbal extracts and antibiotics on methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: A computational and experimental study. Experimental Biology and Medicine,2017; 0: 1-13
  14. Meng Lirong .Targeted Silencing of S100A8 Gene by miR-24 to Increase Chemotherapy Sensitivity of Endometrial Carcinoma Cells to Paclitaxel. Medical Science Monitor, 2016(22): 1953-1958
  15. Meng Lirong .Effect of mTOR Inhibitors in Nude Mice with Endometrial Carcinoma and Variable PTEN Expression Status. Medical Science Monitor Basic Research, 2014, 20:146-152
  16. Meng Lirong .The multi-targeted kinase inhibitor sorafenib inhibits enterovirus 71 replication by regulating IRES-dependent translation of viral proteins. Antiviral Research,106(2014):80–85/ISSN 0166-3542
  17. Meng Lirong. Suppression of HER-2 via siRNA interference promotes apoptosis and decreases metastatic potential of SKOV‑3 human ovarian carcinoma cells. Oncology Reports, 2013, 29(3): 1133-1139
  18. Meng Lirong. EGFR- and AKT-mediated reduction in PTEN expression contributes to tyrphostin resistance and is reversed by mTOR inhibition in endometrial cancer cells. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry,2012,361(1-2):19-29
  19. Meng Lirong. MicroRNA-125b down-regulation mediates endometrial cancer invasion by targeting ERBB2. Med Sci Monit, 2012; 18(4): BR149-155


  1. Meng Lirong (Editor in Chief). Endometrial Carcinoma Theory and Practice. Sciences and technology book concern Liaoning, 2010.
  2. Meng Lirong (Editor in Chief). The Colour Atlas of The Applied Anatomy--The Pelvic and The Hip. Sciences and technology book concern Liaoning, 2010.
  3. Meng, Lirong. (Subeditor). The Colour Atlas of The Applied Anatomy of The Skull, The Brain and The Neck. Sciences and technology book concern Liaoning, 2006.


  • 2008 Liaoning Provincial S&T Award (Second Prize)
  • 2008 Shenyang S&T Progress Award (Third Prize)


  • 中華人民共和國國家知識產權局,發明專利,專利號: ZL 2016 1 1183912.2
    一種人子宮内膜癌細胞系及其建立方法 (2019.09)

科研興趣 Research interests

最近兩年任教科目 Subjects taught in last two years
- 解剖生理學 (ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY) 2024/2025
- 實習II (INTERNSHIP II) 2024/2025
- 病理生理學 (PATHOPHYSIOLOGY) 2024/2025
- 項目報告 (PROJECT REPORT) 2024/2025
- 研究方法 (RESEARCH METHODS) 2024/2025
- 專題習作I (THESIS I) 2024/2025
- 專題習作II (THESIS II) 2024/2025
- 高級病理生理學 (ADVANCED PATHOPHYSIOLOGY) 2023/2024
- 解剖生理學 (ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY) 2023/2024
- 實習I (INTERNSHIP I) 2023/2024
- 實習II (INTERNSHIP II) 2023/2024
- 病理生理學 (PATHOPHYSIOLOGY) 2023/2024
- 研究方法 (RESEARCH METHODS) 2023/2024
- 論文 (THESIS) 2023/2024
- 專題習作I (THESIS I) 2023/2024
- 專題習作II (THESIS II) 2023/2024

研究人員檔案 Researcher Profile