姓名: 李麗 Name: LI LI, DAISY

職銜 Academic title
教授 Professor

電郵 Email: lili@mpu.edu.mo

辦公室電話 Tel: 6382 辦公室Office: 致遠樓 (CHI UN)-B211
Rua de Luís Gonzaga Gomes, Macau, China

學歷 Academic qualifications
- 湖北大學文學學士 (1994)

出版 Publications
  • LI,  Li (2019).Concrete Poetry in China: Form, Content,  Theme and Function. In John Corbett and Tin Huang (eds.). Translation and  Transmission of Concrete Poetry. London: Routledge.

  • LI, Li (2017).  Training Undergraduate Translators: A Consciousness-raising Approach. Translator and Interpreter Trainer, 11  (4). [SSCI/ A&HCI/ Scopus]

  • LI, Li (2017). Translating Children’s Stories from Chinese to English: Strategies and  Methods. Babel: International Journal of Translation,  63(4). [SSCI/ A&HCI/ Scopus]

  • LI, Li (2016).  Construction of China's National Image through Translation: Problems and  Solutions. Intercultural Communication Studies XXV (3), 248-258.

  • LI, Li (2014). Translating Chinese Children’s Stories for  American Child readers: A Case Study of Translating Mr. Wolf’s Hotline. BDU  Fachverlag: 679-690. (The FIT XX World Congress Proceedings, Berlin 2014)

  • 李麗  (2014). 譯者可以做什麼?——功能翻譯理論視角下的旅遊牌示英譯 (What can a  translator do? Translation of scenic spots signs from the perspective of functional  approach).中國科技翻譯 (Chinese Science and Technology Translators  Journal, 27 (3), 41-44. [CSSCI]

  • LI, Li  (2013). The Afterlife of the Brothers Grimm’s Fairy  Tales in China: Translation and Reception. Babel:  International Journal of Translation, 59(4), 460-472. [SSCI/ A&HCI/ Scopus]

  • 李麗  (2011). 魯迅與周作人兒童文學譯介活動之比較  ( A comparative study on translated children’s works by Lu Xun and Zhou Zuoren). 澳門理工學報 (Journal of Macao Polytechnic Institute), 4,172-180.

  • 李麗  (2010). 魯迅兒童譯作中的歐化現象考察 ( Europeanization in translated  children’s works by Lu Xun). 湖北大學學報(哲社版) (Journal of Hubei University),37(6),94-97. [CSSCI]

  • LI, Li (2009). A  Comparative Study of Translated Children’s Literature by LU Xu and ZHOU Zuoren:  From the Perspective of Personality. Journal  of Macao Polytechnic Institute (English), 3,69-79.

  • 李麗  (2009). 魯迅兒童文學譯作《錶》在中國的接受與影響.  (The Watch by L. Pauteleeve: Its Reception and Influence in China Through Lu  Xun’s Translation). 文學論衡 (Journal of Chinese Literary Studies), 15, 18-25. 香港:香港中國語文學會.

  • 李麗  (2007). 從魯迅兒童觀的變化看他對《愛羅先珂童話集》的評價(Lu  Xun’s Changing Evaluations of his Translations of Eroshenko’s Children’s  Stories). 文學論衡(Journal of Chinese Literary Studies), 9/10, 79-83. [香港:香港中國語文學會]

  • 李麗 (2007). 法律英語辭彙的特點及其翻譯.收入《法律文本翻譯》(Legal Translation). 北京:中央編譯出版社.

  • LI, Li (2006).  Influences of Translated Children’s Literature Upon Created Chinese Children’s  Literature. Papers: Explorations into  Children's Literature, 16 (2), 101-106. Australia: Deakin University.  [Official Journal for the Australasian Children’s Literature Association for  Research.

  • LI, Li (2006). An  Overview of Theoretical Discussions on Playfulness in Relation to Children’s  Literature in China. The Journal of  Children’s Literature Studies, Vol. 3, (1), 15-25. [UK: Pied Piper  Publishing]

  • LI, Li (2006). Chengliang Zhu. Zipes, J (ed.). The Oxford Encyclopedia of  Children’s Literature. Oxford: Oxford  University Press.

  • 李麗  (2005). 從意識形態的視角看蘇曼殊翻譯的〈悲慘世界〉. 外國語言文學, 22(4), 270-272/283. [CSSCI]

  • 李麗  (2005). 法律辭彙的特點及其翻譯(The  Characteristics of Legal Vocabulary and its Translation).中國科技翻譯(Chinese Science and Technology Translators  Journal), 18(3), 14-16. [CSSCI]

  • 李麗  (2005). 翻譯研究規範概述(A Review of  Norms in Translation Studies). 青海師專學報(Journal of Qinghai Teachers’ College), 25 (3), 98-102.

  • 李麗  (2005).中國兒童文學翻譯:1898-1919  (Translating Children’s Literature in China: 1898-1919).三峽大學學報(Journal of China Three Gorges University), 27 (1), 103-106.

  • LI, Li (2004).  Ideological Manipulation in Translation in a Chinese Context: a Case Study on  Su Manshu’s Translation of Les  Misérables. Creative Forum: Journal of Literary and Critical Writing, 17  (2), 39-47.

  • LI, Li (2004). A  Descriptive Study of Translated Children’s Literature in China: 1898-1919. New Review of Children’s Literature and  Librarianship, 10 (2),189-199.

  • 李麗  (2003). 翻譯與隱含的語用用意(Translation and  Implicit Pragmatic Force). 三峽大學學報(Journal  of China Three Gorges University), 25 (3), 98-100.

  • 李麗  (2002).《朗文英語聯想活用詞典》評析 (A Critique of Longman  Language Activator). 外語與翻譯(Foreign Languages  & Translation).

  • 李麗  (co-authored) (2000).英語詩歌翻譯漫談(  On Translating English Poems). 武漢水利電力大學學報(哲社版)(Journal of Wuhan  University of Hydraulic and Electric Engineering), 20 (5), 38-40.

  • 李麗  (1997).英語辭彙教學的方法與意義(Significance  and Methods of English Lexicology Teaching).教師論壇(Teachers Forum, 內蒙古兒童出版社(Inner Mongolia  Children Publishing House).

  • 李麗 (1996).英語被動句的內涵及翻譯(Connotation and Translation  of English Passive Sentences). 高等教育論壇(Higher Education Forum), 內蒙古大學出版社(Inner Mongolia University  Press).

  • 李麗 (2010). 生成與接受:中國兒童文學翻譯研究1898-1949 (Production and Reception: A Case Study of Translated Children’s Literature in China 1898-1949). 武漢:湖北人民出版社. [342 pages / 283,000 words]

    Books and governmental documents translated
  • 李麗 (翻譯,c. 2020 forthcoming). 蘇格蘭民謠(The Scottish Ballads). 南京:南京大學出版社. [E-C]

  • 李麗 (翻譯,c. 2020 forthcoming). 愛德溫·摩根之詩作(The Poetry of Edwin Morgan). 南京:南京大學出版社. [E-C]

  • 李麗 (翻譯,c. 2020 forthcoming). 野性的呼喚(The Call of the Wild, Jack London).鄭州:海燕出版社. [E-C/ children’s literary works 兒童文學作品]

  • 李麗 (翻譯, 2014). 最後一戰 (The Last Battle, C. S. Lewis).大連:大連出版社.[E-C/152 pages /107,000 words,children’s literary works 兒童文學作品]

  • LI Li. (trans. 2012). The Hotline of Mr. Wolf (大灰狼的熱線電話/王宜振). USA: ABC Garden LLC. [C-E/254 pages /180,000 words,Children’s literary works 兒童文學作品]

  • 李麗 (翻譯, 2011). 世紀回眸紀念辛亥革命100周年郵票展展品選粹 (The Selected Items Collection of “A Century Revisited: Stamp Exhibition to Commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the 1911 Xinhai Revolution”. Beijing/Macau: Peking University and Macao Polytechnic Institute.

  • 李麗 (翻譯,2010). 喚醒睡美人:兒童小說中的女性主義聲音(Waking Sleeping Beauty: Feminist Voices in Children’s Novels, Roberta Seelinger Trites).安徽:安徽少兒出版社.[E-C/152 pages / 220,000 Words,theories on children’s literature,兒童文學理論著作]

  • 李麗(合譯) (2007/2010) . 翻譯學導論:理論與實踐 () (Introducing Translation Studies: theories and applications, Jeremy Munday). 北京:商務印書館. [E-C, pp.4-27; 72-124; 126-203;181-277; theories on Translation Studies, 翻譯學理論著作]

  • 李麗(合譯) (2007) . 翻譯學導論:理論與實踐 (). (Introducing Translation Studies: theories and applications, Jeremy Munday). 香港: 香港中文大學出版社. [E-C, pp. 1-18;67-88;135-157;231-239; theories on Translation Studies, 翻譯學理論著作]

  • 澳 門 特 別 行 政 區第4/2013 號行政法規:《房地產中介業務法施行細則》(Macao Special Administrative Region Administrative Regulation No. 4/2013 Implementation regulations for Law on Real Estate Intermediary Activities

  • 澳 門 特 別 行 政 區第17/2014 號行政法規:《修改第4/2013 號行政法規房地產中介業務法施行細則》(Macao Special Administrative Region Administrative Regulation No. 17/2014 Amendments to Administrative Regulation No. 4/2013 Implementation Regulations for Law on Real Estate Intermediary Activities)

  • 澳 門 特 別 行 政 區第16/2012 號法律:《房地產中介業務法》(Macao Special Administrative Region Law No. 16/2012 Law on Real Estate Intermediary Activities)

  • 澳 門 特 別 行 政 區第7/2014 號法律:修改第16/2012號法律《 房地產中介業務法》(Macao Special Administrative Region Macao Special Administrative Region Law No. 7/2014 Amendments to Law No. 16/2012 ( Law on Real Estate Intermediary Activities)

  • Macao SAR Chief Executive Office document:2015澳門特別行政區政綱


    Books edited
  • 李麗 (co-edited, 2007). 法律文本翻譯(Legal Translation). 北京:中央編譯出版社.[482 pages /470,000 words]

  • LI, Li. (co-edited, 2000). CET 6: Simulation Test. Wuhan: Hubei People Publishing Press.

    Conference Presentations
    LI  Li. Ideological Manipulation in Translation in a Chinese Context. Valencia:  Valencia University, Spain, Nov. 22-24, 2019.
    LI  Li. Translation as Dialogue: What Can a Translator do? The 24th  International Conference of the International Association for Intercultural  Communication Studies. Chicago: Depaul University, July 4-9, 2018.
    LI  Li. Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language in Portugal. The Third International  Conference on Bridges: Europe and China. Leiria: Polytechnic Institute of  Leiria, Nov. 9-11, 2016.
    LI  Li. Translation and Construction of National Image. The 8th International  Conference on Intercultural Communication. Wuhan: Wuhan University, Nov. 20-22,  2015.
    LI Li. Translation as interaction: what can a translator do?. 第六屆海峽兩岸四地翻譯與跨文化交流研討會. 臺灣:長榮大學. June 24-26, 2015.
    LI Li. How to train conscious student translators. The 5th International Conference on English, Discourse and Intercultural Communication (Part I). Macao: June 2-5, 2015.
    LI Li. Teaching Translation with Online Free Resources. 2014 International Conference on Teaching Education. Hong Kong: The City University of Hong Kong, Aug. 16-17, 2014.
    LI Li. Translating Chinese Children’s Stories for American Child Readers: A Case Study of Translating Mr. Wolf’s Hotline. TheFIT XXth World Congress, Berlin, Aug. 4-6, 2014.
    李麗. 譯者可以做什麼?——功能派翻譯理論視角下的旅遊景點牌示英譯(What Can a Translator do? ---- Translation of Scenic Spot Signs from the Perspective of the Functional Approach). 西安:第五屆全國應用翻譯大會. May,18-19, 2013.
    LI Li. The Afterlife of the Brothers Grimm’s Fairy Tales in China: Translation and Reception. The FIT XXI World Congress. San Fransico: Hilton Union Square. Agu 1-4, 2011.
    李麗. 魯迅與周作人兒童文學翻譯活動比較研究 .第九屆跨文化國際研討會.福州:福建師範大學. July ,21-25, 2011.
    LI Li. The Watch Translated by Lu Xun in the Chinese Context: Its Reception and Influence. Found in Translation: a Common Voice in the Multicultural World. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya. July 22-26, 2010.
    LI Li. 魯迅兒童文學譯作中的歐化現象考察.2009年全國翻譯高層研討會,蘇州大學外國語學院及《上海翻譯》編輯部舉辦. Dec 18-20, 2009.
    LI Li. The Europeanization in Translated Children’s Works by Lu Xun.第二屆海峽“兩岸四地”翻譯與跨文化交流研討會.澳門. Nov. 22-24, 2007.
    LI Li. A Comparison of Translated Children’s Literature by LU Xun and ZHOU Zuoren: From the Perspective of Personality. 1st International Conference on English, Discourse and Intercultural Communication. Macao & Urumqi, July 8-14, 2007.
    LI Li. 從魯迅兒童觀的變化看他對《愛羅先珂童話集》的評價. 2006 Hong Kong Lu Xun Forum. HK: Chinese University of Hong Kong, Sept.8-9, 2006.
    LI Li. Influences of Translated Children’s Literature Upon Created Chinese Children’s Literature. 2006 ACLAR conference, Children's Literature at the Edge: New Texts, New Technologies, New Readings, New Readers. Melbourne: ACLAR, July 13-14, 2006.
    LI Li. An Overview of Theoretical Discussions on Playfulness in Relation to Children’s Literature in China. IRSCL 17th Biennial Congress. Dublin: IRSCL, August 13-17, 2005.
    LI Li. Su Manshu’s Translated Works: A Polysystem Perspective. 1st Young Researchers’ Conference on Chinese Translation Studies: A New Look at Historical and Cultural Contexts. HK: Research Center of Translation, CUHK. June 23-25, 2004.
    LI Li. Translating Children’s Literature in China (1898-1919): A Descriptive Study. The Child and the Book: Current Scholarly Approaches to Children and Literature, Inaugural Postgraduate Conference. UK: University of Surrey Roehampton. April 3, 2004.
    李麗. 清末民初兒童文學翻譯鳥瞰.“首屆全國翻譯學博士論壇”.深圳:深圳大學,April, 2004.

    Research project
    魯迅與周作人兒童文學翻譯研究 (A Study on Translated Children’s Works by Lu Xun and Zhou Zuoren) [ RP/ESLT-2/2007 / duration: 2007/12-2011/11)

    最近兩年任教科目 Subjects taught in last two years
    - 漢英翻譯 (GENERAL TRANSLATION (C-E)) 2024/2025
    - 英漢翻譯 (GENERAL TRANSLATION (E-C)) 2024/2025
    - 漢英翻譯 (GENERAL TRANSLATION (C-E)) 2023/2024
    - 英漢翻譯 (GENERAL TRANSLATION (E-C)) 2023/2024
    - 翻譯理論 (THEORIES OF TRANSLATION) 2023/2024
    - 旅遊與博彩翻譯 (TOURISM AND GAMING TRANSLATION) 2023/2024
    - 翻譯硏究 (TRANSLATION STUDIES) 2023/2024

    研究人員檔案 Researcher Profile