LI, Li (2019).Concrete Poetry in China: Form, Content, Theme and Function. In John Corbett and Tin Huang (eds.). Translation and Transmission of Concrete Poetry. London: Routledge.
LI, Li (2017). Training Undergraduate Translators: A Consciousness-raising Approach. Translator and Interpreter Trainer, 11 (4). [SSCI/ A&HCI/ Scopus]
LI, Li (2017). Translating Children’s Stories from Chinese to English: Strategies and Methods. Babel: International Journal of Translation, 63(4). [SSCI/ A&HCI/ Scopus]
LI, Li (2016). Construction of China's National Image through Translation: Problems and Solutions. Intercultural Communication Studies XXV (3), 248-258.
LI, Li (2014). Translating Chinese Children’s Stories for American Child readers: A Case Study of Translating Mr. Wolf’s Hotline. BDU Fachverlag: 679-690. (The FIT XX World Congress Proceedings, Berlin 2014)
李麗 (2014). 譯者可以做什麼?——功能翻譯理論視角下的旅遊牌示英譯 (What can a translator do? Translation of scenic spots signs from the perspective of functional approach).中國科技翻譯 (Chinese Science and Technology Translators Journal, 27 (3), 41-44. [CSSCI]
LI, Li (2013). The Afterlife of the Brothers Grimm’s Fairy Tales in China: Translation and Reception. Babel: International Journal of Translation, 59(4), 460-472. [SSCI/ A&HCI/ Scopus]
李麗 (2011). 魯迅與周作人兒童文學譯介活動之比較 ( A comparative study on translated children’s works by Lu Xun and Zhou Zuoren). 澳門理工學報 (Journal of Macao Polytechnic Institute), 4,172-180.
李麗 (2010). 魯迅兒童譯作中的歐化現象考察 ( Europeanization in translated children’s works by Lu Xun). 湖北大學學報(哲社版) (Journal of Hubei University),37(6),94-97. [CSSCI]
LI, Li (2009). A Comparative Study of Translated Children’s Literature by LU Xu and ZHOU Zuoren: From the Perspective of Personality. Journal of Macao Polytechnic Institute (English), 3,69-79.
李麗 (2009). 魯迅兒童文學譯作《錶》在中國的接受與影響. (The Watch by L. Pauteleeve: Its Reception and Influence in China Through Lu Xun’s Translation). 文學論衡 (Journal of Chinese Literary Studies), 15, 18-25. 香港:香港中國語文學會.
李麗 (2007). 從魯迅兒童觀的變化看他對《愛羅先珂童話集》的評價(Lu Xun’s Changing Evaluations of his Translations of Eroshenko’s Children’s Stories). 文學論衡(Journal of Chinese Literary Studies), 9/10, 79-83. [香港:香港中國語文學會]
李麗 (2007). 法律英語辭彙的特點及其翻譯.收入《法律文本翻譯》(Legal Translation). 北京:中央編譯出版社.
LI, Li (2006). Influences of Translated Children’s Literature Upon Created Chinese Children’s Literature. Papers: Explorations into Children's Literature, 16 (2), 101-106. Australia: Deakin University. [Official Journal for the Australasian Children’s Literature Association for Research.
LI, Li (2006). An Overview of Theoretical Discussions on Playfulness in Relation to Children’s Literature in China. The Journal of Children’s Literature Studies, Vol. 3, (1), 15-25. [UK: Pied Piper Publishing]
LI, Li (2006). Chengliang Zhu. Zipes, J (ed.). The Oxford Encyclopedia of Children’s Literature. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
李麗 (2005). 從意識形態的視角看蘇曼殊翻譯的〈悲慘世界〉. 外國語言文學, 22(4), 270-272/283. [CSSCI]
李麗 (2005). 法律辭彙的特點及其翻譯(The Characteristics of Legal Vocabulary and its Translation).中國科技翻譯(Chinese Science and Technology Translators Journal), 18(3), 14-16. [CSSCI]
李麗 (2005). 翻譯研究規範概述(A Review of Norms in Translation Studies). 青海師專學報(Journal of Qinghai Teachers’ College), 25 (3), 98-102.
李麗 (2005).中國兒童文學翻譯:1898-1919 (Translating Children’s Literature in China: 1898-1919).三峽大學學報(Journal of China Three Gorges University), 27 (1), 103-106.
LI, Li (2004). Ideological Manipulation in Translation in a Chinese Context: a Case Study on Su Manshu’s Translation of Les Misérables. Creative Forum: Journal of Literary and Critical Writing, 17 (2), 39-47.
LI, Li (2004). A Descriptive Study of Translated Children’s Literature in China: 1898-1919. New Review of Children’s Literature and Librarianship, 10 (2),189-199.
李麗 (2003). 翻譯與隱含的語用用意(Translation and Implicit Pragmatic Force). 三峽大學學報(Journal of China Three Gorges University), 25 (3), 98-100.
李麗 (2002).《朗文英語聯想活用詞典》評析 (A Critique of Longman Language Activator). 外語與翻譯(Foreign Languages & Translation).
李麗 (co-authored) (2000).英語詩歌翻譯漫談( On Translating English Poems). 武漢水利電力大學學報(哲社版)(Journal of Wuhan University of Hydraulic and Electric Engineering), 20 (5), 38-40.
李麗 (1997).英語辭彙教學的方法與意義(Significance and Methods of English Lexicology Teaching).教師論壇(Teachers Forum), 內蒙古兒童出版社(Inner Mongolia Children Publishing House).
李麗 (1996).英語被動句的內涵及翻譯(Connotation and Translation of English Passive Sentences). 高等教育論壇(Higher Education Forum), 內蒙古大學出版社(Inner Mongolia University Press).
李麗 (2010). 生成與接受:中國兒童文學翻譯研究1898-1949 (Production and Reception: A Case Study of Translated Children’s Literature in China 1898-1949). 武漢:湖北人民出版社. [342 pages / 283,000 words]
Books and governmental documents translated |
李麗 (翻譯,c. 2020 forthcoming). 蘇格蘭民謠(The Scottish Ballads). 南京:南京大學出版社. [E-C]
李麗 (翻譯,c. 2020 forthcoming). 愛德溫·摩根之詩作(The Poetry of Edwin Morgan). 南京:南京大學出版社. [E-C]
李麗 (翻譯,c. 2020 forthcoming). 野性的呼喚(The Call of the Wild, Jack London).鄭州:海燕出版社. [E-C/ children’s literary works 兒童文學作品]
李麗 (翻譯, 2014). 最後一戰 (The Last Battle, C. S. Lewis).大連:大連出版社.[E-C/152 pages /107,000 words,children’s literary works 兒童文學作品]
LI Li. (trans. 2012). The Hotline of Mr. Wolf (大灰狼的熱線電話/王宜振). USA: ABC Garden LLC. [C-E/254 pages /180,000 words,Children’s literary works 兒童文學作品]
李麗 (翻譯, 2011). 世紀回眸紀念辛亥革命100周年郵票展展品選粹 (The Selected Items Collection of “A Century Revisited: Stamp Exhibition to Commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the 1911 Xinhai Revolution”. Beijing/Macau: Peking University and Macao Polytechnic Institute.
李麗 (翻譯,2010). 喚醒睡美人:兒童小說中的女性主義聲音(Waking Sleeping Beauty: Feminist Voices in Children’s Novels, Roberta Seelinger Trites).安徽:安徽少兒出版社.[E-C/152 pages / 220,000 Words,theories on children’s literature,兒童文學理論著作]
李麗(合譯) (2007/2010) . 翻譯學導論:理論與實踐 (簡) (Introducing Translation Studies: theories and applications, Jeremy Munday). 北京:商務印書館. [E-C, pp.4-27; 72-124; 126-203;181-277; theories on Translation Studies, 翻譯學理論著作]
李麗(合譯) (2007) . 翻譯學導論:理論與實踐 (繁). (Introducing Translation Studies: theories and applications, Jeremy Munday). 香港: 香港中文大學出版社. [E-C, pp. 1-18;67-88;135-157;231-239; theories on Translation Studies, 翻譯學理論著作]
澳 門 特 別 行 政 區第4/2013 號行政法規:《房地產中介業務法施行細則》(Macao Special Administrative Region Administrative Regulation No. 4/2013 Implementation regulations for Law on Real Estate Intermediary Activities)
澳 門 特 別 行 政 區第17/2014 號行政法規:《修改第4/2013 號行政法規房地產中介業務法施行細則》(Macao Special Administrative Region Administrative Regulation No. 17/2014 Amendments to Administrative Regulation No. 4/2013 Implementation Regulations for Law on Real Estate Intermediary Activities)
澳 門 特 別 行 政 區第16/2012 號法律:《房地產中介業務法》(Macao Special Administrative Region Law No. 16/2012 Law on Real Estate Intermediary Activities)
澳 門 特 別 行 政 區第7/2014 號法律:修改第16/2012號法律《 房地產中介業務法》(Macao Special Administrative Region Macao Special Administrative Region Law No. 7/2014 Amendments to Law No. 16/2012 ( Law on Real Estate Intermediary Activities)
Macao SAR Chief Executive Office document:2015澳門特別行政區政綱
李麗 (co-edited, 2007). 法律文本翻譯(Legal Translation). 北京:中央編譯出版社.[482 pages /470,000 words]
LI, Li. (co-edited, 2000). CET 6: Simulation Test. Wuhan: Hubei People Publishing Press.
— | LI Li. Ideological Manipulation in Translation in a Chinese Context. Valencia: Valencia University, Spain, Nov. 22-24, 2019. |
— | LI Li. Translation as Dialogue: What Can a Translator do? The 24th International Conference of the International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies. Chicago: Depaul University, July 4-9, 2018. |
— | LI Li. Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language in Portugal. The Third International Conference on Bridges: Europe and China. Leiria: Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Nov. 9-11, 2016. |
— | LI Li. Translation and Construction of National Image. The 8th International Conference on Intercultural Communication. Wuhan: Wuhan University, Nov. 20-22, 2015. |
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LI Li. Translation as interaction: what can a translator do?. 第六屆海峽兩岸四地翻譯與跨文化交流研討會. 臺灣:長榮大學. June 24-26, 2015. |
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LI Li. How to train conscious student translators. The 5th International Conference on English, Discourse and Intercultural Communication (Part I). Macao: June 2-5, 2015. |
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LI Li. Teaching Translation with Online Free Resources. 2014 International Conference on Teaching Education. Hong Kong: The City University of Hong Kong, Aug. 16-17, 2014. |
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LI Li. Translating Chinese Children’s Stories for American Child Readers: A Case Study of Translating Mr. Wolf’s Hotline. TheFIT XXth World Congress, Berlin, Aug. 4-6, 2014. |
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李麗. 譯者可以做什麼?——功能派翻譯理論視角下的旅遊景點牌示英譯(What Can a Translator do? ---- Translation of Scenic Spot Signs from the Perspective of the Functional Approach). 西安:第五屆全國應用翻譯大會. May,18-19, 2013. |
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LI Li. The Afterlife of the Brothers Grimm’s Fairy Tales in China: Translation and Reception. The FIT XXI World Congress. San Fransico: Hilton Union Square. Agu 1-4, 2011. |
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李麗. 魯迅與周作人兒童文學翻譯活動比較研究 .第九屆跨文化國際研討會.福州:福建師範大學. July ,21-25, 2011. |
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LI Li. The Watch Translated by Lu Xun in the Chinese Context: Its Reception and Influence. Found in Translation: a Common Voice in the Multicultural World. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya. July 22-26, 2010. |
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LI Li. 魯迅兒童文學譯作中的歐化現象考察.2009年全國翻譯高層研討會,蘇州大學外國語學院及《上海翻譯》編輯部舉辦. Dec 18-20, 2009. |
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LI Li. The Europeanization in Translated Children’s Works by Lu Xun.第二屆海峽“兩岸四地”翻譯與跨文化交流研討會.澳門. Nov. 22-24, 2007. |
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LI Li. A Comparison of Translated Children’s Literature by LU Xun and ZHOU Zuoren: From the Perspective of Personality. 1st International Conference on English, Discourse and Intercultural Communication. Macao & Urumqi, July 8-14, 2007. |
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LI Li. 從魯迅兒童觀的變化看他對《愛羅先珂童話集》的評價. 2006 Hong Kong Lu Xun Forum. HK: Chinese University of Hong Kong, Sept.8-9, 2006. |
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LI Li. Influences of Translated Children’s Literature Upon Created Chinese Children’s Literature. 2006 ACLAR conference, Children's Literature at the Edge: New Texts, New Technologies, New Readings, New Readers. Melbourne: ACLAR, July 13-14, 2006. |
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LI Li. An Overview of Theoretical Discussions on Playfulness in Relation to Children’s Literature in China. IRSCL 17th Biennial Congress. Dublin: IRSCL, August 13-17, 2005. |
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LI Li. Su Manshu’s Translated Works: A Polysystem Perspective. 1st Young Researchers’ Conference on Chinese Translation Studies: A New Look at Historical and Cultural Contexts. HK: Research Center of Translation, CUHK. June 23-25, 2004. |
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LI Li. Translating Children’s Literature in China (1898-1919): A Descriptive Study. The Child and the Book: Current Scholarly Approaches to Children and Literature, Inaugural Postgraduate Conference. UK: University of Surrey Roehampton. April 3, 2004. |
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李麗. 清末民初兒童文學翻譯鳥瞰.“首屆全國翻譯學博士論壇”.深圳:深圳大學,April, 2004. |
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魯迅與周作人兒童文學翻譯研究 (A Study on Translated Children’s Works by Lu Xun and Zhou Zuoren) [ RP/ESLT-2/2007 / duration: 2007/12-2011/11) |