(A) 期刊文章 Journal Articles
- Hsiao P. W., Kong L. Q., Ye Y. L. (2023). Interactive game experience: a preliminary investigation of the impact of virtual reality on exercise rehabilitation behaviors, Interactive Learning Environments (SSCI). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2023.2212716
- Su P. Y., Hsiao P. W., Fan K. K. (2023). Investigating the relationship between users' behavioral intentions and learning effects of VR system for sustainable tourism development, Sustainability, 15 (9), 7277. (SCI & SSCI). DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/su15097277.
- Xiao P. W. (2022). Textbook from the Perspective of Digital Humanities: In the Case of Spring Festival Journey, Movie Review, 2, 12-17. (CSSCI). DOI:10.16583/j.cnki.52-1014/j.2022.02.024.
- Hsiao P. W., Su C. H. (2021). A Study on the Impact of STEAM Education for Sustainable Development Courses and Its Effects on Student Motivation and Learning, Sustainability, 13 (7), 3772. (SCI & SSCI). DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/su13073772.
- Hsiao P. W., Wang Y. Y. (2020). The Concept of Sustainability Integrated into the Interactive Shadow Play Interactive Learning System Design, IEEE Xplore, 179-181. (EI). DOI: 10.1109/ECBIOS50299.2020.9203622.
- Hsiao P. W. (2019). A Preliminary study on Design of Experiential Learning Interactive Teaching Material Integrated with Wayang Kulit, IEEE Xplore, 193-196 (EI). DOI: 10.1109/ECBIOS.2019.8807439.
- Xiao P. W., Fan K. K., Xu S., Su C. H. (2017). A Preliminary study on the learning satisfaction and effectiveness of VR weight training Assisting Learning System for Beginners, EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 13(9), 6231–6248. (SSCI). DOI: https://doi.org/10.12973/eurasia.2017.01061a.
- Fan K. K., Xiao P. W., Su C. H. (2015). The Effects of Learning Styles and Meaningful Learning on the Learning Achievement of Gamification Health Education Curriculum, EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 11(5), 1211-1229. (SSCI). DOI: https://doi.org/10.12973/eurasia.2015.1413a.
- Fan K. K., Hsiao P. W. (2013). Learning for Shadow Puppet’s Action Control Inverse Kinematics Method, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 284-287, 3569-3572. (EI). DOI: https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.284-287.3569.
(B) 會議論文 Conference Papers
- Song X., Chen L., Peng-Wei H., & Huan H. (2022, May 27-29). Digital image: Application of Holographic projection on the protection of Guangdong puppet show [Poster presentation]. 4th IEEE Eurasia Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Healthcare and Sustainability 2022 (IEEE ECBIOS 2022), Tainan, Taiwan.
- Wang Y. Y., & Hsiao P. W. (2022, February 10-12). Influence and Comparative Analysis of Change in Design Practice Courses in Post-epidemic Era [Poster presentation]. 5th IEEE Eurasian Conference on Educational Innovation 2022 (IEEE ECEI 2022), Taipei, Taiwan.
- Hsiao P. W., Mao Y. (2021, July 23-25). Research and Creation of Holographic Projection on Motion Poster Design [Online Oral presentation], 4th IEEE International Conference on Knowledge Innovation and Invention 2021, Taichung, Taiwan.
- Chang X. R., Hsiao P. W. (2020, August 21-23). Design and Research of Monopoly AR Interactive Game Based on New Eight Scenes of Macau [Online Oral presentation]. 3rd IEEE International Conference on Knowledge Innovation and Invention 2020, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- Hsiao P. W., (2020, February 05-07). A study by design of Experiential AR Shadow Play Interactive Learning System, 3rd Eurasian Conference on Educational Innovation 2020 (ECEI 2020), Ha Long Bay / Hanoi, Vietnam.
- Hsiao P. W. (2019, May 31-June 03). The LOHAS Digital and Interactive Vitalization Community for Heritage and Sustainability of The Ruins of St. Paul, 2019 IEEE Eurasia Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Healthcare and Sustainability (IEEE ECBIOS 2019), Okinawa, Japan.
- Hsiao P. W., Zhao B. Y. (2019, October 04). A Design of Innovative Social Operation Management System Based on Big Data Analysis, The 2019 International Conference on Innovation and Design (2019ICID), Taipei, Taiwan.
- Hsiao P. W., Fan K. K., Xu S. (2017, May 13-17). A Preliminary study on the learning satisfaction and effectiveness of VR weight training Assisting Learning System for Beginners, The 2017 IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation, Sapporo, Japan.
- Fan K. K., Hsiao P. W. (2013, August 26-30). An Analysis of Colors, Personalities and Operating Ways of Shadow Puppet Roles for Interactive Game-base Learning Materials, The IASDR2013 International Congress of International Association of Societies of Design Research, Tokyo, Japan.
- Fan K. K., Hsiao P. W. (2013, January 23-25). Research on interaction media teaching materials design for shadow play, 2013 Sustainability Conference, Hiroshima, Japan.
- Fan K. K., Hsiao P. W. (2012, October 26- November 02). A study on Design of Manipulation of Shadow Puppet Game-based Learning with Kinect Technique, The 2nd International Conference on Innovation, Communication and Engineering, Qingdao, China.
- 肖晨茜、蕭朋威,2022,非遺文化融入體驗是互動APP設計─以陝西桑蠶文 化為例,2022亞太藝術與人文國際研討會,國立東華大學,花蓮。
- 安靜怡、蕭朋威,2021,後疫情時代的悅趣化數位教材設計與研究,2021 年 E 時代的教育前瞻國際學術研討會-後疫情時代的教育挑戰與創新,台中教育大學,台中。
- 徐玉涵,蕭朋威,2020,擴增實境融入體驗式菜單設計研究—以澳門葡國餐廳為例,The 26th Taiwan Academic Network 台灣網際網路研討會(TANET 2020), Taipei, Taiwan。
- 廖冠智、蕭朋威,2011,以Inverse Kinematics骨架融入皮影戲操作之悅趣學習與介面設計研究,2011 悅趣化數位學習國際學術研討會 (JEL),台南大學數位學習科技學系、台灣師範大學資訊教育研究所主辦,屏東。
- 蔡宜良、蕭朋威、廖冠智,2010,初探Plurk機器之智慧型代理人學習機制與使用時機,2010 電腦與網路科技在教育上的應用研討會,新竹教育大學,新竹。
- 廖冠智、蕭朋威,2009,以皮影戲建置多人合作展演與學習型式之初探,2009數位學習創意與應用學術研討會,高雄師範大學,高雄。
(C) 相關計畫項目、產學計畫與講座 Research Projects and Seminars
- 《澳門非物質文化遺產融入科技創新藝術應用與可持續學習設計 》,澳門理工大學科研項目,RP/FAD-02/2022。2022/08~2024/08 (項目主持人)。
- 《澳門大三巴互動數位樂活化傳永續之研究》,校內研究基金項目, FRG-19-031-FA,2019/11/01~2020/11/31 (項目主持人)。
- 《媒來演趣》,珠海北京理工大學設計交流工作坊(演講者與主持人),https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/NOuvY8vB4YcNuL8ncm8dHA (學院新聞)。2019/03/19
- 《從長榮大學媒體設計系開始努力學習,放眼世界》,台灣長榮大學 (演講者),https://dweb.cjcu.edu.tw/camd/article/4580(系所網站),2019/12/27
- 《虛擬技術與解域城市:澳門城市八景再構建與創意發展》,2019年度澳門科學技術發展基金與國家科技部聯合科研資助,2020/04/15通過初審(項目主持人)。
- 飛行泡泡:互動音樂遊戲開發,國科會產學計畫案,MOST 103-2622-H-224 -001 -CC3,2014/06/01 ~ 2015/05/31 (研究助理)。
- Kinect互動多媒體的應用:以籃球教學系統為例,國科會計畫案,MOST 103-2410-H-224 -021, 2014/08/01 ~ 2015/07/31 (研究助理)。
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- 2012年教育部發展典範科技大學計畫,社團法人雲林縣身心照護協會 (研究助理)。
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(D) 證照與其他經歷 Certificates and Experiences
- 2019 北京理工大學珠海學院設計與藝術學院 客座教授
- 2019 IEEE ECBIOS 2019 PAPER AWARD 最佳論文
- 自2015.10~2016.4 申請至馬來西亞拉曼大學創意產業系交換學生做研究,參與該系所教師計畫 榮譽會員
- 2009年 第二屆全國大專院校資安動畫金像獎 第三名
- 2007年 3D MAX 原廠認證證書