- Xie, Y. J.. Loke, A. Y., L. Lam Nogueira, B. O. C., Liu, M. K., Leung, A. Y.M., Tsang, A. S. M., Leong, C. S. U., Molassiotis, A. (2020) Relationships between the usage of television, computer, and mobile phone and the quality of sleep in a chinese population: Community-based cross-sectional study.Journal of meducal internet research, res. 2020, vol. 22, iss.6, e18095.p1
- Wang F., Meng, L.R., Zhang, Q.E., Li, L., Lam Nogueira, B. O. C., Ng, C.H., Ungvari, G. S., Liu, L.,Jia F.J., Xiang, Y. T. (2019) Sleep disturbance and its relationship with quality of life in older Chinese adults living in nursing homes. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care. 2019;55:527-532. Wiley Periodicals, Inc. doi: 10.1111/ppc.12363
- Lam Nogueira, O.C.B. (2017) Traditional chinese medicine in health care in Macao. Revista de Enfermagem Referência.IV Série-n. 13-Abril/Maio/Junho.2017. pp. 157-164.
- Kuok, K. C. F., Li, L., Xiang, Y. T., Lam Nogueira, B. O. C., Ungvari, G. S., NG, C. H., Chiu, H. F. K., Tran, L., Li, L.,Meng, (2017) Quality of life and clinical correlates in older adults living in the community and in nursing homes in Macao. Psychogeriatrics 2017, Japanese Psychogeriatrics Society. doi:10.1111/psyg.12214.
- Lam Nogueira, B. O. C., Li, L.,Meng, L.R,, Ungvari, G. S., Forester, B. P., Chiu, H. F. K., Kuok, K. C. F.; Tran, L., Liu, Z.Min., Xiang, Y. T. (2016) Prevalence of Sleep Disturbances and Their Associations With Demographic and Clinical Characteristics and Quality of Life in Older Adults in Macao. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care ISSN 0031-5990, p. 1–8. 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. doi: 10.1111/ppc.12199
- 林愛貞;孟麗榮 (2014) 「澳門社區護理現狀及展望」.中華現代護理雜誌. 2014. 20(14), 1750-1752.(Current Situation and Perspectives of the Community Nursing in Macau, Chinese Journal of Modern Nursing)
- 林愛貞;孟麗榮 (2014) 「澳門社區專科護士培訓的發展及反思」. 中華護理教育, 2014, 11(3): 205-208. (Development and reflection of community nurse specialist training in Macau, Chinese Journal of Nursing Education)
- Lam Nogueira, O.C.B.; Mak, Y.W. (2013) A competency-based training in smoking cessation for post-graduate diploma students in community nursing in Macao. Revista de Enfermagem Referência.III Série-n. 11-Dez.2013. pp. 67-76.
- Liu, M; Lam, B. Fong, P; & Yuan, H.B.(2012) Nursing Shortage: The facts and strategies in Macao Society” The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, Vol. 18, No. 1. DOI: 10.3912/OJIN.Vol18No01PPT02
- 殷磊;劉明 主編;林愛貞等合編 (2011) 中華護理學辭典。人民衛生出版社:北京
(Co-author: Chinese Dictionary in Nursing)
- 林愛貞 (2013) 「澳門社區專科護士培訓的發展及反思」。2013兩岸四地護理發展高峰論壇。蘇州市護理學會、蘇州大學附屬第一醫院、蘇州大學護理學院合辦。5-8/9/ 2013,中國蘇州。
(Development and Reflection of Macau Community Nurse Specialist Training. Cross-strait Four-Region Summit for Nursing Development, held in 5-8 September, 2013, Suchou, China.)
- 林愛貞 (2011)「澳門中葡護士會成立二十周年紀念特刊 – 感謝與展望」. 澳門中葡護士會成立二十周年紀念研討會, 澳門中葡護士會。10/2009。澳門。第48頁。
(Comemoration of 20th Anniversary of Macau Sino-Portuguese Nurses Association – Gratitute and future expectations, held in October, 2011, Macau Sino-Portuguese Nurses Association, Macau.)
- 林愛貞 (2009)「持續專業能力及其評價-第廿四屆國際護理會議分享」.第三屆高級臨床諼理實踐研討會, 中華護理學會。19-21/8/2009。中國北京。
(Continuing Competence and its assessment - 24th ICN Sharing Session. 3rd Nursing Conference of Advanced Practice, held in 19-21 August, 2009, Chinese Nurses Association. Beijing, China.)
- Lam Nogueira, O.C.B. (2006) Complexity and Nursing Education in Macau. Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association International Conference 2006 -Educational Research, Policy and Practice in an Era of Globalization: The Asia Pacific Perspectives and Beyond, Hong Kong.
- 林愛貞 (2006) 「澳門專科護理教育」。「2006華人健康平台」研討會,澳門公共衛生學會及澳門全科醫生會,澳門 。第245頁。
(Nurse Specialist Education in Macau. Seminar of “2006 Health Platform of Chinese”, organized by Association of Public Health of Macau and Association of General Practictioner of Macau, held in 23-24 November, 2006, Macau.)
- Lam Nogueira, O.C.B. (2005) Perceptions and Attitudes of Government Nurses to Specialist Nursing Courses held between 1996 and 1998 International Nursing Conference - Legacies, Futures, Innovations, Beijing, China.
- 林愛貞 (2002) 澳門公共衛生專科護理教育的發展。第三屆護理及教育會議 – 二十一世紀的護理與健康教育。香港護士訓練及教育基金會。第94 - 98頁。
(Development of Specialized Nursing Education in Public Health in Macao, 3rd Hong Kong Nursing and Education Conference - Nursing and Health Education in the 21st Century, Hong Kong)
- 林愛貞,鄭秀文,羅祥瑛 (2000) 高等衛生學校專業培訓發展導向 - 澳門理工學院發展路向討論會。澳門理工學院。第81 - 94頁。
(Development Trends of Health School of IPM, Seminar of Development Direction for MPI 2000, Macau.)
- 林愛貞 (2013) 「澳門社區專科護士培訓的發展及反思」。2013兩岸四地護理發展高峰論壇。蘇州市護理學會、蘇州大學附屬第一醫院、蘇州大學護理學院合辦。5-8/9/ 2013,中國蘇州。
(Development and Reflection of Macau Community Nurse Specialist Training. Cross-strait Four-Region Summit for Nursing Development, held in 5-8 September, 2013, Suchou, China.)
- 林愛貞 (2009)「持續專業能力及其評價-第廿四屆國際護理會議分享」.第三屆高級臨床諼理實踐研討會, 中華護理學會。19-21/8/2009。中國北京。
(Continuing Competence and its assessment - 24th ICN Sharing Session. 3rd Nursing Conference of Advanced Practice, held in 19-21 August, 2009, Chinese Nurses Association. Beijing, China.)
- Lam Nogueira, O.C.B. (2009) Positive Practice Environment, Quality Workplace for Quality Care , Sharing of 24th ICN Conference 2009, Durban, Sino-Portuguese Nuses Association, Macau.
- Lam Nogueira, O.C.B. (2006) Complexity and Nursing Education in Macau. Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association International Conference 2006 -Educational Research, Policy and Practice in an Era of Globalization: The Asia Pacific Perspectives and Beyond, Hong Kong
- Lam Nogueira, O.C.B. (2006) 「澳門專科護理教育」。「2006華人健康平台」研討會,澳門公共衛生學會及澳門全科醫生會,澳門。
(Nurse Specialist Education in Macau. Seminar of “2006 Health Platform of Chinese”, organized by Association of Public Health of Macau and Association of General Practictioner of Macau, held in 23-24 November, 2006, Macau.)
- Lam Nogueira, O.C.B. (2005) Perceptions and Attitudes of Government Nurses to Specialist Nursing Courses held between 1996 and 1998 International Nursing Conference - Legacies, Futures, Innovations, Beijing, China.
- Lam Nogueira, O.C.B. (2003) Development of Specialist Nursing Education in Macau The First Macau-Hong Kong Nursing Conference - Advanced Nursing Practice in the 21st Century, Macau.
- Lam Nogueira, O.C.B. (2002) 「身心健康」, 職業技能培訓講座,23/8/2002。澳門理工學院。澳門。
(Physical and mental Health, Occupational Skill Training Program. Organized by Macao Polytehnic Institute on August, 2002. Macau.)
- Lam Nogueira, O.C.B. (2002) Development of Specialized Nursing Education in Public Health in Macao, International Higher Nursing Education Conference, Cheng Du, China.
- Lam Nogueira, O.C.B, (2002) Development of Specialized Nursing Education in Public Health in Macao, 3rd Hong Kong Nursing and Education Conference - Nursing and Health Education in the 21st Century, Hong Kong.
- Lam Nogueira, O.C.B. (2001)「職業面面觀-護士專業」講座, 澳門高等教育辦公室。澳門。(Introduction to Different Professions-Nursing Profession. GAES, Macau)
- Lam Nogueira, O.C.B..(2000) Development Trends of Health School of IPM, Seminar of Development Direction for MPI 2000, Macau.
- Lam Nogueira, O.C.B. (1998)「與長者溝通」延續培訓講座,澳門衛生局初級衛生保健照護範圍。
(Communication with the Elderly, Seminar of Elderly Health Promotion - Continuous Education for the Health Professionals, organized by Primary Health Care of Macau Health Bureau.)
- Lam Nogueira, O.C.B. (1997)「護士於產科門診的重要性」延續培訓講座,澳門衛生局初級衛生保健照護範圍。
(Importance of Nurse’ Role in Pre-Natal Care, Seminar of Women Health Promotion - Continuous Education for the Health Professionals, organized by Primary Health Care of Macau Health Bureau)
- Lam Nogueira, O.C.B. (1993-1998)第一至第六屆托兒所負責人及工作人員培訓講座, 澳門理工學院延續培訓中心舉辦。
(1st-6th Training Course for Leader and personnel of Kindergarten.IPM.)