Name:Karry M LIU,PhD,Professor
Institute:Macao Polytechnic University
Email:, Tel: +853-66423515
Education and Working Experiences:
· Obtained MSN and Ph.D from Chiang Mai University, Thailand, in 1998 and 200, respectively.
· 2004-2005 Doctoral student overseas study at Texas University School of Nursing.
· 2005-2008 Associate professor, School of Health Science, Macao Polytechnic Institute
· 2008-2021 Associate Professor/Professor and Director, School of Health Science, Macao Polytechnic Institute.
· 2021-present Professor/Dean, Peking University Health Science Center-Macao Polytechnic University Nursing Academy.
Teaching courses: Nursing leadership and Management, Nursing Theory, Nursing Research, Final Year Project, Master Thesis.
- Huang, L., Ming LIU (corresponding author), Leung, A. Y., Zhang, J., Deng, R., Dai, H., & He, B. Exploring the influencing factors of experienced nurses' retention behavior:A qualitative study based on the COM-B model. Journal of Advanced Nursing (JCR Q1). 2024, 1-14.
- Huang, L., Xu, F., Ming LIU (corresponding author), Huang, M. Reasons for older nurses to stay in the nursing profession:A qualitative systematic review and meta-synthesis. Plos one (JCR Q1)( accepted).
- Huang, L., Ming LIU (corresponding author), Wang, X., & Hsu, M. Interventions to support the psychological empowerment of nurses: A scoping review. Frontiers in Public Health (JCR Q2). 2024, December: 1-13.
- Huang, L., Ming LIU (corresponding author), Leung, A. Y., Zhang, J., Deng, R., He, B., Poon, A.CY., Miao, K., Jin, X., & Shang,S. Exploring nurses' perceptions of cross-border work through the lens of shared language, cultural, and ethnic backgrounds: A qualitative descriptive study based on COM-B model. International Journal of Nursing Sciences (JCR Q1). Under Review.
- Yan Wang, Xiaoyan Jin, Ming Liu. Nursing students’ perceptions of a good death: A mixed method study. Nurse Education Today, 2024, 142:106343.
- Huang, L., Huang, Ming LIU (corresponding author), Wang, X., Zhou, H., & Wang, X. Service learning in nursing research: A bibliometric analysis from 2014 to 2023. Frontier of Nursing (Scopus). 2024, Accept.
- Xin Wang, Ming Liu, Tao Xu, Kang Yue Wang, Lie Bin Huang and Xian Cui Zhang. (2024). New nurses practice settings, job stress, and patient safety attitudes: A cross-sectional study based on the job demands-resources model. BMC Nursing, 2024, 23:473.
- Xin Wang, Ming Liu (Corresponding author), Angela Y.M. Leung, Xiaoyan Jin,Hongxia Dai,
Shaomei Shang. (2024). Nurses’ job embeddedness and turnover intention: A systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Nursing Sciences,2024, 11(5): 563-570.
- Xin Wang, Ming Liu (corresponding author), Yuanzhen Li, Xiaoxiao Mei, Shuting Liao, Qingqing Liang, Yachen Liu. What determinants of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among Chinese nursing students? A cross-sectional study. Frontiers in Public Health, 2024, August: 01-11.
- Xin Wang, Yachen Liu, Zhongyan Peng, Bowen Li, Qingqing Liang, Shuting Liao and Ming Liu (corresponding author). Situational leadership theory in nursing management: a scoping review, BMC Nursing, 2024,23:930: 1-16.
- 鄒子秋,董旭,金曉燕, 劉明,何雨露,黃妙新,尚少梅. 護理專業本科生護理核心技能掌握現狀及影響因素分析. 中華現代護理教育雜志,2024,2(30): 243-247。
- 張俊娥,夏薇,尹一橋,劉明,紹璐 等. 粵澳護理教育合作發展成效與展望. 中華護理教育雜志,2024,12(21): 1432-1437。
- 金曉燕, 羅維, 戴紅霞, 侯睿, 劉明. 澳門理工大學本科護理教育國際專業認證的實踐與啟示. 中華護理教育雜志,2024,12(21): 1416-1421。
- Qingling Yang , Quanzhi Zhang, FeiWan Ngai, Shaoling Wang, Dexing Zhang, Yang Gao ,
Chun Hao, Harry Haoxiang Wang, Ming Liu, Alex Molasiotis. The Multimorbidity and Lifestyle Correlates in Chinese Population Residing in Macau: Findings from a Community-Based Needs Assessment Study. MDPI-Healthcare, 2023, 11, 1906.
- Beibei Tong, Hongbo Chen, Cui Wang, Wen Zeng, Dan Li, Peiyuan Liu, Ming Liu, Shaomei Shang. Clinical prediction models for knee pain in patients with knee osteoarthritis: a systematic review. Skeletal Radiology (2024) 53:1045–1059.
- Miaoxin Huang, Ze Xin Wang, Ming Liu (corresponding author). (2024). Effectiveness of external therapy with Evodia rutaecarpa on recovery of gastrointestinal function after abdominal surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis. SAGE Open Nursing (under review).
- Miaoxin Huang, Ze Xin Wang, Ming Liu (corresponding author). (2024). The effectiveness of Evodia rutaecarpa hot compress on the recovery of gastrointestinal function after laparoscopic surgery for colorectal cancer: a propensity score-match retrospective cohort study. PLOS ONE, 2024 (accepted).
- Ming Liu, Xin Wang. (2023). Mediating Effects of Copying Style on the Relationship between Parenting Style and Adversity Quotient of Nursing Students. SAGE Open Nursing, 9: 1–9. [SCUOPUS indexed].
- Xin Wang, Ming Liu (corresponding author). (2023). The Experiences of Building Resilience among Nursing Undergraduates in Macao: A Qualitative Study. IAFOR Journal of Education (accepted)
- Xin Wang, Ming Liu (corresponding author), Ka I Ho, Stephen Tee. (2022). Understanding the pregnant women’s experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study. International Journal of Nursing Sciences,9(2022), 397-404. [SCUOPUS indexed].
- Yuan Un Man, Ming Liu (corresponding author). (2022). A Descriptive Phenomenological Study on the Empowerment Experience of Macao Nursing Students during Clinical Practice. Modern Clinical Nursing (in Chinese), 21(9), 1-9.
- Xin Wang, Ming Liu (corresponding author), Ka I Ho. (2021). The Perspective of Perinatal Women on Anti COVID-19 Pandemic in Macao Society: A Qualitative Study. Studies on Social and Education Sciences, 57-73. [SCUOPUS indexed].
- Xin Wang, Ming Liu (corresponding author), Stephen Tee, Hongxia Dai. (2021). Analysis of adversity quotient of nursing students in Macao: A cross-section and correlation study. International Journal of Nursing sciences, 8 (2021) 204-209 [SCUOPUS indexed].
- Huang Huijuan, Hsu Mei Hua, Ming Liu. (2021). Knowledge and Attitudes towards Older People among Undergraduates in Macau. Journal of Health Promotion and Health Education. 54, 39-68.
- Xie, YJ, Cheung, CH, Loke, A, Lam, B.N, Ming Liu, Leung, AY, Tsang, AS, Leong, SH, & Molassiotis, X. (2020). Relationships Between the Usage of Televisions, Computers, and Mobile Phones and the Quality of Sleep in a Chinese Population: Community-Based Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(7), e18095 [SCUOPUS indexed].
- Liu Ming, Y.M. Chan, Stephen Tee, etc. (2019). An iterative approach to enhance the clinical learning experience in Macao nursing education. International Journal of Nursing Sciences, 6, 216-220.
- Liu Ming. (2019). Using an example to illustrate Colaizzi’s phenomenological data analysis method. Journal of Nursing Science [in Chinese], 34(11), 90-92.
- Liu Ming, Haobin Yuan, etc. (2016). Translation, modification and validation of the Chinese version of a knowledge assessment instrument regarding pressure ulcer prevention. Journal of Nursing Research, 3, 16-23.
- Liu Ming,Yin Lei. (2015). Quality and safety in Macao Nursing Education. Chinese Nursing Management [in Chinese],15(8),902-904.
- Liu Ming, Gu Qin, Thomas Wong, Luo Zhimin, Chan Yumen. (2015). Perceived stress among Macao nursing students in the clinical learning environment. International Journal of Nursing Sciences, 2(2), 128-133.
- Liu Ming, Gu Qin, Thomas Wong. (2014). Validation of stressors in nursing students Scale-
Chinese Version in a population of Macao nursing students. Journal of Nursing Research, 1(1), 25-29.
- Liu Ming, Chen., W.J., Liao, Q.Y., Gu, Q., Hsu, M.H., & Poon A. (2013). Validation of two
pressure ulcer risk assessment scales among Chinese ICU patients. Revista de Enfermagem Referência. III 09-March, 145-150.
- Liu Ming, Bernice Lam, Pedro Fong, & Yuan, H.B. (2012). Nursing Shortage: The facts and
Strategies in Macao Society. A Scholarly Journal of the American Nurses Association, 18(1), 1-9.
- Liu Ming, Gu Qin, Haobin Yuan, Pedro Fong. (2012). Systematic review of pressure ulcer risk
assessment scales for using in ICU patients. Chinese Journal of Nursing Research [in Chinese], 26(1), 1-4.
- Liu Ming,Chen, W.J., Lan, Y.T., Wang, Y., & Li, Y.E. (2011). Effective Characteristics of Clinical Preceptors: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Chinese Nursing [in Chinese],8(9), 387~395.
- Liu, Ming, Gu Q, Yuan, H.B, & Fung, P. (2011). Integrative Review of Chronic Wound Care in Terms of Risk Assessment. Journal of Macao Polytechnic, 2011 Issue (Serial No. 5), 139~154.
- Liu Ming, Yin, L., Zhu, M.X., & Yuan, H.B. (2010). Lived Experiences of Clinical Preceptors: A Phenomenology Study. Journal of Nursing Education Today, 30(8),804-808 (SCI Impact Factor 1.572).
- Liu Ming, Yin, L., Ma, E., & Lo, S.H. (2008). Competency Inventory for Registered
Nurses in Macao: instrument validation. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 65(4),
893–900 ( SCI Impact Factor 1.174).
- Liu Ming,Yuan H.B. (2009). Issues and Pitfalls of Qualitative Nursing Research.
Journal of Chinese Nursing Management[in Chinese], 9(8),42-44.
- Liu Ming, Zhu, M.X., Dai, H.X., & Yuan, H.B. (2009). Clinical nursing preceptors’
perceptions of effective characteristics of clinical teaching: A qualitative study. Journal of Macao Polytechnic Institute, 3, 18-27.
- Liu Ming, Yin, L., Ma, E., & Lo, S.H. (2008). Confirmatory factor analysis on the
competency inventory for registered nurses. Chinese Journal of Nursing [in Chinese]. 43(3), 204-208.
- Liu Ming, Yin, L., Leong, C., & Chan, C. (2007). Perceptions of Macao nurse
administrators on core competencies of a registered nurse. Journal of Macao Polytechnic
Institute, 1, 1-10.
- Liu Ming, Gao, R., & Lu, A. (2006). Health promotion among disadvantaged elders in P. R. China: Participatory action research. Public Health Nursing, 23 (4), 332-338 ( SCI Impact Factor 1.013).
- Liu Ming, Kunaviktikul, W., Senaratana, W., & Tonmukayakul, O., & Eriksen, L. (2007). Development of competency inventory for registered nurses in the people’s republic of China: Scale development. Journal of International Nurse Studies, 44, 805-813 (SCI Impact Factor 2.115).
- Liu Ming, Kunaviktikul, W., Senaratana, W., & Tonmukayakul, O (2006). Framework of the Chinese registered nurse’s competency: a qualitative research. Chinese Journal of Nursing [in Chinese], 8(41), P 691-694.
- Liu Ming, Kunaviktikul, W., Senaratana, W., & Tonmukayakul, O. (2005). Expectation of Chinese nurse professionals regard on registered nurse’ competency. Thai Journal of Nursing Research, July-September, 208-211.
- Leong, C.S.U., Gu, K. & Liu Ming (2012). Findings from a quantitative approach of nurses possibly related to the nursing shortage before policy modification in Macao. International Journal of Nursing Science, 2(1): 1-7.
- Fang H., Guo X., Xia C.T., Liu Ming, & REN F.l. (2012). Framework for assessing health related quality of life of Kaschin-Beck disease: a qualitative research. Chinese Journal of Endemiology[in Chinese], 31(3):329-332.
- Yuan H.B., Williams, B.& Liu Ming Attitudes Toward Urinary Incontinence Among Community Nurses and Community-Dwelling Older People. Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing (JWOCN ). 2011 Mar-Apr;38(2):184-9.
- Yuan H.B, Williams B., Yin L., Liu Ming, Fang J.B.& Pang D.(2011). Nursing students’ views on the effectiveness of problem-based learning. Nurse Education Today, 31, 5 77-581.
- Yuan H.B, Williams B., Yin L., Liu Ming, Fang J.B. & Pang D. (2011). Nursing students’ evaluation and reflection on problem-based learning in Macao. Chinese Journal of nursing research [in Chinese].
- Liu Ming, & Pothiban. L. (2004). Psychometric characteristic evaluation in nursing
research. Journal of Chinese Nursing Research [in Chinese].
- Liu Ming, & Gao, R. (2001). Comparison of stressor of renal transplant patients at
different stages. Journal of Chinese Practical Nursing [in Chinese].
- Liu Ming, & Li, J. (1999). The issue and strategies of higher nursing education in
China. Journal of Chinese Higher Medical Education [in Chinese].
- Liu Ming & Gao, R. (2000). The application of participatory research appraisal in the
community elders’ health assessment. Journal of Chinese Nursing [in Chinese].
- Liu Ming, Gao, R., & Wang, Y. (1999). Social support and quality of life among renal
transplantation patients. Thai Nursing Newsletter, 26(4), 40-52.
- Wang, Q., & Liu Ming (2003). Relationship between self-efficacy and self-care
among type II diabetes patients. Journal of Chinese Nursing [in Chinese], 38(6), 429-
Book/Book Chapter:
- Yuan Changrong, Liu Ming.《Nursing Theory》(2018) .Beijing: People’s Publishing
- Yin Lei,Liu Ming Ed.《Chinese Nursing Dictionary》 (2011). Beijing:People’s Publishing.
- Liu Ming Chapter author.《Nursing Research》.(2010). Shanghai: Scientific and Technology Publishing
- Liu Ming .《Qualitative Nursing Research》 (2008). Beijing:People’s Publishing.
Research Project:
- Liu Ming, Jin XiaoYan, et al. Determinants of job embeddedness and retention among clinical nurses in GBA-A mixed method. Granted by the Macao Polytechnic University, 2022-2024(ongoing).
- Jin XiaoYan, Liu Ming, Shang Shaomei, et al. Construction of OSCE system based on nursing core competency-based education. 2022-2024.
- Wang Yan, Liu Ming, Lam NOGUEIRA Oi Ching. The investigation and predictive model construction of internet gaming disorder among young adults of Macao, Granted by the Macao Polytechnic Institute, 2020-2022(ongoing).
- Cindy Leong, Liu Ming. A preliminary study on the development of an i-system for relieving musculoskeletal pain. Granted by The Macao Science and Technology Development Fund (FDCT), 2020-2024 (on going).
- Amy Wang, Liu Ming, Dai Hongxia. The Adversity Quotient Analysis and Intervention Research of Macao Nursing Students. Granted by the Macao Polytechnic Institute, 2020-2022(on going).
- Liu Ming, Haobin Yuan. Validation Test of Predictive Validity of Pressure Risk Assessment Scale in ICU Patients. Granted by the Macao Polytechnic Institute, 2015-2017.
- Liu Ming, Gu Kin, Luo Zhimin. Stress in nursing students: a cross-sectional and longitudinal study. Granted by the Macao Polytechnic Institute, 2012-2016 (ongoing).
- Liu Ming, et al. “Chronic Wound Care: A clinical serial study”. Granted by the Macao Polytechnic Institute, 2009-2012 (closed in 2013).
- Liu Ming, Yin Lei “Effective Characteristics of Clinical Instructor: Perceived by faculties, clinical instructors and nursing students”. Granted by the Macao Polytechnic Institute, 2008-2010 (closed in 2011).
- Liu Ming, Yin Lei, Lam Oi Ching, Chan Yok Man, Leong Sin U, & Gu Qin. “Construction and validation of registered nurse’s competence framework in Macao”. Granted by the Macao Polytechnic Institute, 2006-2008 (closed in 2009).
- Liu Ming. “Development of Competency Inventory for Registered Nurse in the People’s Republic of China”. Granted by the Graduate School of Chiang Mai University, Thailand, 2003-2005 (closed in 2005).
- Liu Ming., & Che, W. F. “Clinical ladder for improving the competence of clinical nursing research”. Granted by the First Teaching Hospital of Xi’an Jiao Tong University, 2000-2002 (closed in 2002).
- Liu Ming., & Gao, R. “The general health status of disadvantaged old people in Shaanxi province, P. R. China”. Granted by HelpAge International, 2001-2006 (closed in 2007).
- Liu Ming., & Li, J. “The curriculum reform for bachelor nursing education”. Granted by Xi’an Jiao Tong University, 2000.