院長 Dean
照片 Photo

電郵 Email: karryliu@mpu.edu.mo
辦公室電話 Tel: 8893 6928
辦公室Office: 氹仔校區第二座

學歷 Academic qualifications

個人簡介 Biography

Name:Karry M LIU,PhD,Professor

Institute:Macao Polytechnic University


Email: karryliu@mpu.edu.mo, Tel: +853-66423515

Education and Working Experiences

·       Obtained MSN and Ph.D from Chiang Mai University, Thailand, in 1998 and 200, respectively.

·       2004-2005 Doctoral student overseas study at Texas University School of Nursing.

·       2005-2008  Associate professor, School of Health Science, Macao Polytechnic Institute

·       2008-2021  Associate Professor/Professor and Director, School of Health Science, Macao Polytechnic Institute.

·       2021-present  Professor/Dean, Peking University Health Science Center-Macao Polytechnic University Nursing Academy.

Teaching courses: Nursing leadership and Management, Nursing Theory, Nursing Research, Final Year Project, Master Thesis.



  1. Huang, L., Ming LIU (corresponding author), Leung, A. Y., Zhang, J., Deng, R., Dai, H., & He, B. Exploring the influencing factors of experienced nurses' retention behavior:A qualitative study based on the COM-B model. Journal of Advanced Nursing (JCR Q1). 2024, 1-14.
  2. Huang, L., Xu, F., Ming LIU (corresponding author),  Huang, M. Reasons for older nurses to stay in the nursing profession:A qualitative systematic review and meta-synthesis. Plos one (JCR Q1)( accepted).
  3. Huang, L., Ming LIU (corresponding author), Wang, X., & Hsu, M. Interventions to support the psychological empowerment of nurses: A scoping review. Frontiers in Public Health (JCR Q2). 2024, December: 1-13.
  4. Huang, L., Ming LIU (corresponding author), Leung, A. Y., Zhang, J., Deng, R., He, B., Poon, A.CY., Miao, K., Jin, X., & Shang,S. Exploring nurses' perceptions of cross-border work through the lens of shared language, cultural, and ethnic backgrounds: A qualitative descriptive study based on COM-B model. International Journal of Nursing Sciences (JCR Q1). Under Review.
  5. Yan Wang, Xiaoyan Jin, Ming Liu. Nursing students’ perceptions of a good death: A mixed method study. Nurse Education Today, 2024, 142:106343.
  6. Huang, L., Huang, Ming LIU (corresponding author), Wang, X., Zhou, H., & Wang, X. Service learning in nursing research: A bibliometric analysis from 2014 to 2023. Frontier of Nursing (Scopus). 2024, Accept.
  7. Xin Wang, Ming Liu, Tao Xu, Kang Yue Wang, Lie Bin Huang and Xian Cui Zhang. (2024). New nurses practice settings, job stress, and patient safety attitudes: A cross-sectional study based on the job demands-resources model. BMC Nursing, 2024, 23:473.


  1. Xin Wang, Ming Liu (Corresponding author), Angela Y.M. Leung, Xiaoyan Jin,Hongxia Dai,

Shaomei Shang. (2024). Nurses’ job embeddedness and turnover intention: A systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Nursing Sciences,2024, 11(5): 563-570.


  1. Xin Wang, Ming Liu (corresponding author), Yuanzhen Li, Xiaoxiao Mei, Shuting Liao, Qingqing Liang, Yachen Liu. What determinants of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among Chinese nursing students? A cross-sectional study. Frontiers in Public Health, 2024, August: 01-11.
  2. Xin Wang, Yachen Liu, Zhongyan Peng, Bowen Li, Qingqing Liang, Shuting Liao and Ming Liu (corresponding author). Situational leadership theory in nursing management: a scoping review, BMC Nursing, 2024,23:930: 1-16.
  3. 鄒子秋,董旭,金曉燕, 劉明,何雨露,黃妙新,尚少梅. 護理專業本科生護理核心技能掌握現狀及影響因素分析. 中華現代護理教育雜志,2024,2(30): 243-247。
  4. 張俊娥,夏薇,尹一橋,劉明,紹璐 等. 粵澳護理教育合作發展成效與展望. 中華護理教育雜志,2024,12(21): 1432-1437。
  5. 金曉燕, 羅維, 戴紅霞, 侯睿, 劉明. 澳門理工大學本科護理教育國際專業認證的實踐與啟示. 中華護理教育雜志,2024,12(21): 1416-1421。
  6. Qingling Yang , Quanzhi Zhang, FeiWan Ngai, Shaoling Wang, Dexing Zhang, Yang Gao ,

Chun Hao, Harry Haoxiang Wang, Ming Liu, Alex Molasiotis. The Multimorbidity and Lifestyle Correlates in Chinese Population Residing in Macau: Findings from a Community-Based Needs Assessment Study. MDPI-Healthcare, 2023, 11, 1906.


  1. Beibei Tong, Hongbo Chen, Cui Wang, Wen Zeng, Dan Li, Peiyuan Liu, Ming Liu, Shaomei Shang. Clinical prediction models for knee pain in patients with knee osteoarthritis: a systematic review. Skeletal Radiology (2024) 53:1045–1059.


  1. Miaoxin Huang, Ze Xin Wang, Ming Liu (corresponding author). (2024). Effectiveness of external therapy with Evodia rutaecarpa on recovery of gastrointestinal function after abdominal surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis. SAGE Open Nursing (under review).
  2. Miaoxin Huang, Ze Xin Wang, Ming Liu (corresponding author). (2024). The effectiveness of Evodia rutaecarpa hot compress on the recovery of gastrointestinal function after laparoscopic surgery for colorectal cancer: a propensity score-match retrospective cohort study. PLOS ONE, 2024 (accepted).
  3. Ming Liu, Xin Wang. (2023). Mediating Effects of Copying Style on the Relationship between Parenting Style and Adversity Quotient of Nursing Students. SAGE Open Nursing, 9: 1–9. [SCUOPUS indexed].
  4. Xin Wang, Ming Liu (corresponding author). (2023). The Experiences of Building Resilience among Nursing Undergraduates in Macao: A Qualitative Study. IAFOR Journal of Education (accepted)
  5. Xin Wang, Ming Liu (corresponding author), Ka I Ho, Stephen Tee. (2022). Understanding the pregnant women’s experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study. International Journal of Nursing Sciences,9(2022), 397-404. [SCUOPUS indexed].
  6. Yuan Un Man, Ming Liu (corresponding author). (2022). A Descriptive Phenomenological Study on the Empowerment Experience of Macao Nursing Students during Clinical Practice. Modern Clinical Nursing (in Chinese), 21(9), 1-9.
  7.  Xin Wang, Ming Liu (corresponding author), Ka I Ho. (2021). The Perspective of Perinatal Women on Anti COVID-19 Pandemic in Macao Society: A Qualitative Study. Studies on Social and Education Sciences, 57-73. [SCUOPUS indexed].
  8. Xin Wang, Ming Liu (corresponding author), Stephen Tee, Hongxia Dai. (2021). Analysis of adversity quotient of nursing students in Macao: A cross-section and correlation study. International Journal of Nursing sciences, 8 (2021) 204-209 [SCUOPUS indexed].
  9. Huang Huijuan,  Hsu Mei Hua,  Ming Liu. (2021). Knowledge and Attitudes towards Older People among Undergraduates in Macau. Journal of Health Promotion and Health Education. 54, 39-68.
  10. Xie, YJ, Cheung, CH, Loke, A, Lam, B.N, Ming Liu, Leung, AY, Tsang, AS, Leong, SH, & Molassiotis, X. (2020). Relationships Between the Usage of Televisions, Computers, and Mobile Phones and the Quality of Sleep in a Chinese Population: Community-Based Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(7), e18095 [SCUOPUS indexed].
  11. Liu Ming, Y.M. Chan, Stephen Tee, etc. (2019). An iterative approach to enhance the clinical learning experience in Macao nursing education. International Journal of Nursing Sciences, 6, 216-220.
  12. Liu Ming. (2019). Using an example to illustrate Colaizzi’s phenomenological data analysis method. Journal of Nursing Science [in Chinese], 34(11), 90-92.
  13. Liu Ming, Haobin Yuan, etc. (2016). Translation, modification and validation of the Chinese version of a knowledge assessment instrument regarding pressure ulcer prevention. Journal of Nursing Research, 3, 16-23.
  14. Liu Ming,Yin Lei. (2015). Quality and safety in Macao Nursing Education. Chinese Nursing Management [in Chinese]15(8),902-904.
  15. Liu Ming, Gu Qin, Thomas Wong, Luo Zhimin, Chan Yumen. (2015). Perceived stress among Macao nursing students in the clinical learning environment. International Journal of Nursing Sciences, 2(2), 128-133.
  16. Liu Ming, Gu Qin, Thomas Wong. (2014). Validation of stressors in nursing students Scale-

Chinese Version in a population of Macao nursing students. Journal of Nursing Research, 1(1), 25-29.

  1. Liu Ming, Chen., W.J., Liao, Q.Y., Gu, Q., Hsu, M.H., & Poon A. (2013). Validation of two

pressure ulcer risk assessment scales among Chinese ICU patients. Revista de Enfermagem Referência. III  09-March, 145-150.

  1. Liu Ming, Bernice Lam, Pedro Fong, & Yuan, H.B. (2012). Nursing Shortage: The facts and

Strategies in Macao Society. A Scholarly Journal of the American Nurses Association, 18(1), 1-9.

  1. Liu Ming, Gu Qin, Haobin Yuan, Pedro Fong. (2012). Systematic review of pressure ulcer risk

assessment scales for using in ICU patients. Chinese Journal of Nursing Research [in Chinese],  26(1), 1-4.

  1. Liu Ming,Chen, W.J., Lan, Y.T., Wang, Y., & Li, Y.E. (2011). Effective Characteristics of Clinical Preceptors: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Chinese Nursing [in Chinese]8(9), 387~395.
  2. Liu, Ming, Gu Q, Yuan, H.B, & Fung, P. (2011). Integrative Review of Chronic Wound Care in Terms of Risk Assessment. Journal of Macao Polytechnic, 2011 Issue (Serial No. 5), 139~154.
  3. Liu Ming, Yin, L., Zhu, M.X., & Yuan, H.B. (2010). Lived Experiences of Clinical Preceptors: A Phenomenology Study. Journal of Nursing Education Today, 30(8),804-808 (SCI Impact Factor 1.572).
  4. Liu Ming, Yin, L., Ma, E., & Lo, S.H. (2008). Competency Inventory for Registered

                        Nurses in Macao: instrument validation. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 65(4),  

                        893–900 ( SCI Impact Factor 1.174).

  1. Liu Ming,Yuan H.B. (2009). Issues and Pitfalls of Qualitative Nursing Research.

          Journal of Chinese Nursing Management[in Chinese] 9(8),42-44.

  1. Liu Ming, Zhu, M.X., Dai, H.X., & Yuan, H.B. (2009). Clinical nursing preceptors’

perceptions of effective characteristics of clinical teaching: A qualitative study. Journal of Macao Polytechnic Institute, 3, 18-27.


  1. Liu Ming, Yin, L., Ma, E., & Lo, S.H. (2008). Confirmatory factor analysis on the

competency inventory for registered nurses. Chinese Journal of Nursing [in Chinese]. 43(3), 204-208.

  1. Liu Ming, Yin, L., Leong, C., & Chan, C. (2007). Perceptions of Macao nurse

        administrators on core competencies of a registered nurse. Journal of Macao Polytechnic

         Institute, 1, 1-10.

  1. Liu Ming, Gao, R., & Lu, A. (2006). Health promotion among disadvantaged elders in P. R. China: Participatory action research. Public Health Nursing, 23 (4), 332-338 ( SCI Impact Factor 1.013).
  2. Liu Ming, Kunaviktikul, W., Senaratana, W., & Tonmukayakul, O., & Eriksen, L. (2007). Development of competency inventory for registered nurses in the people’s republic of China: Scale development. Journal of International Nurse Studies, 44, 805-813 (SCI Impact Factor 2.115).
  3. Liu Ming, Kunaviktikul, W., Senaratana, W., & Tonmukayakul, O (2006). Framework of the Chinese registered nurse’s competency: a qualitative research. Chinese Journal of Nursing [in Chinese], 8(41), P 691-694.
  4. Liu Ming, Kunaviktikul, W., Senaratana, W., & Tonmukayakul, O. (2005). Expectation of Chinese nurse professionals regard on registered nurse’ competency. Thai Journal of Nursing Research, July-September, 208-211.
  5. Leong, C.S.U., Gu, K. & Liu Ming (2012). Findings from a quantitative approach of nurses possibly related to the nursing shortage before policy modification in Macao. International Journal of Nursing Science, 2(1): 1-7.
  6. Fang H., Guo X., Xia C.T.,  Liu Ming, & REN F.l. (2012). Framework for assessing health related quality of life of Kaschin-Beck disease: a qualitative research. Chinese Journal of Endemiology[in Chinese], 31(3):329-332.
  7. Yuan H.B., Williams, B.& Liu Ming Attitudes Toward Urinary Incontinence Among Community Nurses and Community-Dwelling Older People. Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing (JWOCN ). 2011 Mar-Apr;38(2):184-9.


  1. Yuan H.B, Williams B., Yin L., Liu Ming, Fang J.B.& Pang D.(2011).  Nursing students’ views on the effectiveness of problem-based learning. Nurse Education Today, 31, 5 77-581.


  1. Yuan H.B, Williams B., Yin L., Liu Ming, Fang J.B. & Pang D. (2011). Nursing students’ evaluation and reflection on problem-based learning in Macao. Chinese Journal of nursing research [in Chinese].


  1. Liu Ming, & Pothiban. L. (2004). Psychometric characteristic evaluation in nursing

research. Journal of Chinese Nursing Research [in Chinese].

  1. Liu Ming, & Gao, R. (2001). Comparison of stressor of renal transplant patients at

different  stages. Journal of Chinese Practical Nursing [in Chinese].

  1. Liu Ming, & Li, J. (1999). The issue and strategies of higher nursing education in

             China. Journal of Chinese Higher Medical Education [in Chinese].

  1. Liu Ming & Gao, R. (2000). The application of participatory research appraisal in the

                   community elders’ health assessment. Journal of Chinese Nursing [in Chinese].

  1. Liu Ming, Gao, R., & Wang, Y. (1999). Social support and quality of life among renal

                      transplantation patients. Thai Nursing Newsletter, 26(4), 40-52.

  1. Wang, Q., & Liu Ming (2003). Relationship between self-efficacy and self-care

           among type II diabetes patients. Journal of Chinese Nursing [in Chinese], 38(6), 429-



Book/Book Chapter

  1. Yuan Changrong, Liu Ming.《Nursing Theory》(2018) .Beijing: People’s Publishing
  2. Yin Lei,Liu Ming Ed.《Chinese Nursing Dictionary》 (2011). Beijing:People’s Publishing.
  3. Liu Ming Chapter author.《Nursing Research》.(2010). Shanghai:  Scientific and Technology Publishing
  4. Liu Ming .《Qualitative Nursing Research》 (2008). Beijing:People’s Publishing.


Research Project:

  • Liu Ming, Jin XiaoYan, et al. Determinants of job embeddedness and retention among clinical nurses in GBA-A mixed method. Granted by the Macao Polytechnic University, 2022-2024(ongoing).
  • Jin XiaoYan, Liu Ming, Shang Shaomei, et al. Construction of OSCE system based on nursing core competency-based education. 2022-2024.
  • Wang Yan, Liu Ming, Lam NOGUEIRA Oi Ching. The investigation and predictive model construction of internet gaming disorder among young adults of Macao, Granted by the Macao Polytechnic Institute, 2020-2022(ongoing).
  • Cindy Leong, Liu Ming. A preliminary study on the development of an i-system for relieving musculoskeletal pain. Granted by The Macao Science and Technology Development Fund (FDCT), 2020-2024 (on going).
  • Amy Wang, Liu Ming, Dai Hongxia. The Adversity Quotient Analysis and Intervention Research of Macao Nursing Students. Granted by the Macao Polytechnic Institute, 2020-2022(on going).
  • Liu Ming, Haobin Yuan. Validation Test of Predictive Validity of Pressure Risk Assessment Scale in ICU Patients. Granted by the Macao Polytechnic Institute, 2015-2017.
  • Liu Ming, Gu Kin, Luo Zhimin. Stress in nursing students: a cross-sectional and longitudinal study. Granted by the Macao Polytechnic Institute, 2012-2016 (ongoing).
  • Liu Ming, et al. “Chronic Wound Care: A clinical serial study”. Granted by the Macao Polytechnic Institute, 2009-2012 (closed in 2013).
  • Liu Ming, Yin Lei “Effective Characteristics of Clinical Instructor: Perceived by faculties, clinical instructors and nursing students”. Granted by the Macao Polytechnic Institute, 2008-2010 (closed in 2011).
  • Liu Ming, Yin Lei, Lam Oi Ching, Chan Yok Man, Leong Sin U, & Gu Qin. “Construction and validation of registered nurse’s competence framework in Macao”. Granted by the Macao Polytechnic Institute, 2006-2008 (closed in 2009).
  • Liu Ming. “Development of Competency Inventory for Registered Nurse in the People’s Republic of China”. Granted by the Graduate School of Chiang Mai University, Thailand, 2003-2005 (closed in 2005).
  • Liu Ming., & Che, W. F. “Clinical ladder for improving the competence of clinical nursing research”. Granted by the First Teaching Hospital of Xi’an Jiao Tong University, 2000-2002 (closed in 2002).
  • Liu Ming., & Gao, R. “The general health status of disadvantaged old people in Shaanxi province, P. R. China”. Granted by HelpAge International, 2001-2006 (closed in 2007).
  • Liu Ming., & Li, J. “The curriculum reform for bachelor nursing education”. Granted by Xi’an Jiao Tong University, 2000.

出版 Publications
  • Liebin Huang, Ming LIU (corresponding author) (2024). Research on Nurses’ Psychological Empowerment: A Bibliometric Analysis. ICCCE, Scopus-indexed full paper.
  • Huang Lie Bin, Miaoxin Huang, Ming LIU (corresponding author). (2023). Service learning in nursing research: A bibliometric analysis from 2014 to 2023, Frontier Nursing (in process).
  • Xin Wang, Ming Liu, Tao Xu, Kang Yue Wang, Lie Bin Huang, and Xian Cui Zhang. (2023). The relationships between new nurses practice settings, job stress, and patient safety attitudes: A cross-sectional study based on the job demands-resources model. BMC Nursing (in process).
  • Miaoxin Huang, Ze Xin Wang, Ming Liu (corresponding author). (2023). Effectiveness of external therapy with Evodia rutaecarpa on recovery of gastrointestinal function after abdominal surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis. The Malaysian Journal of Nursing (in process)
  • Ming Liu, Xin Wang. (2023). Mediating Effects of Copying Style on the Relationship between Parenting Style and Adversity Quotient of Nursing Students. SAGE Open Nursing, 9: 1–9. [SCUOPUS indexed].
  • Xin Wang, Ming Liu (corresponding author). (2023). The Experiences of Building Resilience among Nursing Undergraduates in Macao: A Qualitative Study. IAFOR Journal of Education (accepted)
  • Xin Wang, Ming Liu (corresponding author), Ka I Ho, Stephen Tee. (2022). Understanding the pregnant women’s experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study. International Journal of Nursing Sciences,9(2022), 397-404. [SCUOPUS indexed].
  • Yuan Un Man, Ming Liu (corresponding author). (2022). A Descriptive Phenomenological Study on the Empowerment Experience of Macao Nursing Students during Clinical Practice. Modern Clinical Nursing (in Chinese), 21(9), 1-9.
  • Xin Wang, Ming Liu (corresponding author), Ka I Ho. (2021). The Perspective of Perinatal Women on Anti COVID-19 Pandemic in Macao Society: A Qualitative Study. Studies on Social and Education Sciences, 57-73. [SCUOPUS indexed].
  • Xin Wang, Ming Liu (corresponding author), Stephen Tee, Hongxia Dai. (2021). Analysis of adversity quotient of nursing students in Macao: A cross-section and correlation study. International Journal of Nursing sciences, 8 (2021) 204-209 [SCUOPUS indexed].
  • Huang Huijuan, Hsu Mei Hua,  Ming Liu. (2021). Knowledge and Attitudes towards Older People among Undergraduates in Macau. Journal of Health Promotion and Health Education. 54, 39-68.
  • Xie, YJ, Cheung, CH, Loke, A, Lam, B.N, Liu, M, Leung, AY, Tsang, AS, Leong, SH, & Molassiotis, X. (2020). Relationships Between the Usage of Televisions, Computers, and Mobile Phones and the Quality of Sleep in a Chinese Population: Community-Based Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(7), e18095 [SCUOPUS indexed].
  • Liu Ming, Y.M. Chan, Stephen Tee, etc. (2019). An iterative approach to enhance the clinical learning experience in Macao nursing education. International Journal of Nursing Sciences, 6, 216-220.
  • Liu Ming. (2019). Using an example to illustrate Colaizzi’s phenomenological data analysis method. Journal of Nursing Science [in Chinese], 34(11), 90-92.
  • Liu Ming, Haobin Yuan, etc. (2016). Translation, modification and validation of the Chinese version of a knowledge assessment instrument regarding pressure ulcer prevention. Journal of Nursing Research, 3, 16-23.
  • Liu Ming,Yin Lei. (2015). Quality and safety in Macao Nursing Education. Chinese Nursing Management [in Chinese]15(8),902-904.
  • Liu Ming, Gu Qin, Thomas Wong, Luo Zhimin, Chan Yumen. (2015). Perceived stress among Macao nursing students in the clinical learning environment. International Journal of Nursing Sciences, 2(2), 128-133.
  • Liu Ming, Gu Qin, Thomas Wong. (2014). Validation of stressors in nursing students Scale-
  • Chinese Version in a population of Macao nursing students. Journal of Nursing Research, 1(1), 25-29.
  • Liu Ming, Chen., W.J., Liao, Q.Y., Gu, Q., Hsu, M.H., & Poon A. (2013). Validation of two
  • pressure ulcer risk assessment scales among Chinese ICU patients. Revista de Enfermagem Referência. III 09-March, 145-150.
  • Liu Ming, Bernice Lam, Pedro Fong, & Yuan, H.B. (2012). Nursing Shortage: The facts and
  • Strategies in Macao Society. A Scholarly Journal of the American Nurses Association, 18(1), 1-9.
  • Liu Ming, Gu Qin, Haobin Yuan, Pedro Fong. (2012). Systematic review of pressure ulcer risk
  • assessment scales for using in ICU patients. Chinese Journal of Nursing Research [in Chinese], 26(1), 1-4.
  • Liu Ming,Chen, W.J., Lan, Y.T., Wang, Y., & Li, Y.E. (2011). Effective Characteristics of Clinical Preceptors: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Chinese Nursing [in Chinese]8(9), 387~395.
  • Liu, Ming, Gu Q, Yuan, H.B, & Fung, P. (2011). Integrative Review of Chronic Wound Care in Terms of Risk Assessment. Journal of Macao Polytechnic, 2011 Issue (Serial No. 5), 139~154.
  • Liu Ming, Yin, L., Zhu, M.X., & Yuan, H.B. (2010). Lived Experiences of Clinical Preceptors: A Phenomenology Study. Journal of Nursing Education Today, 30(8),804-808 (SCI Impact Factor 1.572).
  • Liu Ming, Yin, L., Ma, E., & Lo, S.H. (2008). Competency Inventory for Registered
    • Nurses in Macao: instrument validation. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 65(4),
    • 893–900 ( SCI Impact Factor 1.174).
  • Liu Ming,Yuan H.B. (2009). Issues and Pitfalls of Qualitative Nursing Research.
  • Journal of Chinese Nursing Management[in Chinese] 9(8),42-4
  • Liu Ming, Zhu, M.X., Dai, H.X., & Yuan, H.B. (2009). Clinical nursing preceptors’ perceptions of effective characteristics of clinical teaching: A qualitative study. Journal of Macao Polytechnic Institute, 3, 18-27.
  • Liu Ming, Yin, L., Ma, E., & Lo, S.H. (2008). Confirmatory factor analysis on the
  • competency inventory for registered nurses. Chinese Journal of Nursing [in Chinese]. 43(3), 204-208.
  • Liu Ming, Yin, L., Leong, C., & Chan, C. (2007). Perceptions of Macao nurse
  • administrators on core competencies of a registered nurse. Journal of Macao Polytechnic
  • Institute, 1, 1-10.
  • Liu Ming, Gao, R., & Lu, A. (2006). Health promotion among disadvantaged elders in P. R. China: Participatory action research. Public Health Nursing, 23 (4), 332-338 ( SCI Impact Factor 1.013).
  • Liu Ming, Kunaviktikul, W., Senaratana, W., & Tonmukayakul, O., & Eriksen, L. (2007). Development of competency inventory for registered nurses in the people’s republic of China: Scale development. Journal of International Nurse Studies, 44, 805-813 (SCI Impact Factor 2.115).
  • Liu Ming, Kunaviktikul, W., Senaratana, W., & Tonmukayakul, O (2006). Framework of the Chinese registered nurse’s competency: a qualitative research. Chinese Journal of Nursing [in Chinese], 8(41), P 691-694.
  • Liu Ming, Kunaviktikul, W., Senaratana, W., & Tonmukayakul, O. (2005). Expectation of Chinese nurse professionals regard on registered nurse’ competency. Thai Journal of Nursing Research, July-September, 208-211.
  • Leong, C.S.U., Gu, K. & Liu Ming (2012). Findings from a quantitative approach of nurses possibly related to the nursing shortage before policy modification in Macao. International Journal of Nursing Science, 2(1): 1-7.
  • Fang H., Guo X., Xia C.T.,  Liu Ming, & REN F.l. (2012). Framework for assessing health related quality of life of Kaschin-Beck disease: a qualitative research. Chinese Journal of Endemiology[in Chinese], 31(3):329-332.
  • Yuan H.B., Williams, B.& Liu Ming Attitudes Toward Urinary Incontinence Among Community Nurses and Community-Dwelling Older People. Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing (JWOCN ). 2011 Mar-Apr;38(2):184-9.
  • Yuan H.B, Williams B., Yin L., Liu Ming, Fang J.B.& Pang D.(2011).  Nursing students’ views on the effectiveness of problem-based learning. Nurse Education Today, 31, 5 77-581.
  • Yuan H.B, Williams B., Yin L., Liu Ming, Fang J.B. & Pang D. (2011). Nursing students’ evaluation and reflection on problem-based learning in Macao. Chinese Journal of nursing research [in Chinese].
  • Liu Ming, & Pothiban. L. (2004). Psychometric characteristic evaluation in nursing
  • Journal of Chinese Nursing Research [in Chinese].
  • Liu Ming, & Gao, R. (2001). Comparison of stressor of renal transplant patients at
  • different Journal of Chinese Practical Nursing [in Chinese].
  • Liu Ming, & Li, J. (1999). The issue and strategies of higher nursing education in Journal of Chinese Higher Medical Education [in Chinese].
  • Liu Ming & Gao, R. (2000). The application of participatory research appraisal in the community elders’ health assessment. Journal of Chinese Nursing [in Chinese].
  • Liu Ming, Gao, R., & Wang, Y. (1999). Social support and quality of life among renal transplantation patients. Thai Nursing Newsletter, 26(4), 40-52.
  • Wang, Q., & Liu Ming (2003). Relationship between self-efficacy and self-care among type II diabetes patients. Journal of Chinese Nursing [in Chinese], 38(6), 429-431.



Book/Book Chapters:

  • Yuan Changrong, Liu Ming.《Nursing Theory》(2018) .Beijing: People’s Publishing
  • Yin Lei, Liu Ming Ed.《Chinese Nursing Dictionary》 (2011). Beijing:People’s Publishing
  • Liu Ming Chapter author.《Nursing Research》.(2010). Shanghai: Scientific and Technology Publishing.
  • Liu Ming.《Qualitative Nursing Research》 (2008). Beijing:People’s Publishing.


Conference, Seminar And Workshop Presentations:

  • Liu Ming. (Oral presentation). Characteristic analysis of the Braden scale for predicting pressure sore risk in critical care patients. 28th World Nursing care Congress. Seoul University in South Korea, April 29-30, 2019.
  • Liu Ming. (Oral presentation). Pressure ulcer prevention: translation, modification and validation of the Chinese version of knowledge assessment instrument. World Congress on Nursing & Healthcare, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 4-6, 2018.
  • Liu Ming. (Oral presentation). From perceived stress of Macao nursing students to re-think teaching and learning modality of nursing education. 20th World Nursing Education, Osaka Japan, Conferenceseries, 22/5 /2017-24/5/2017.
  • Liu, Ming. (Plenary speech ). Reflecting on advanced nursing education program through multi-lateral collaboration strategy in Macao SAR. Advanced Practice Nursing/Nursing Practice, Munich Germany, 4th-6th Sept., 2015.
  • Liu, Ming. (Keynote speaker). Nursing Education: A bridge to quality and safety nursing care. Nursing Conference in Macao organized by Sino-Portuguese Nursing Association (2015).
  • Liu, Ming. (Keynote speaker). Yin, L., & Lam B. (2013). Nurse Shortage: Facts and Strategies in Macao nursing society. International Nursing Conference in Suzhou organized by Nursing Association of People’s Republic of China.
  • Liu, Ming. Lam, B., & Leong C. (2013). Solving the Nurse Shortage, Improving Health Care Accessibility-Macao SAR Example. 25th Quadrennial conference in Melbourne of Australia organized by ICN.
  • Liu, Ming. (Keynote speaker), Yuan, H.B., Leong, C. (2009). Promoting Successful Aging with Supportive Environment in Macao SAR. Organized by Shanghai Fudan University and Affiliated Hospital. China Shanghai.
  • Liu, Ming. (Keynote speaker). (2007). Nursing Development and Foreign Language Learning for Medical and Nursing Students. Organized by High Education Association of P.R.China, in Xi’an.
  • Liu, Ming. (Keynote speaker). & Lam, O.Ching. (2007). Facilitating Reflective-learning to Develop Competent and Safe Clinical Placement for Student Nurses. International Nursing Conference: Safety and Quality of Nursing Practice. Macao.
  • Liu, Ming., Kunaiktikul, W., Eriksen, L., & Senaratana, W., & Tonmukayakul, O. (2005). Development of nursing competency inventory for registered nurses in the People’s Republic of China. Presentation in 2005 Beijing International Nursing Conference.
  • Liu, Ming., Gao, R., & Lu, A. (2003). Health promotion among disadvantaged elders in Shaanxi Province of P. R. China. International Conference: Evidence-based Nursing Practice, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
  • Liu, Ming. Li, J. (2000). Reform prospect regarding Chinese higher nursing education. China Higher Medical Education symposium, Nan Jing.
  • Liu, Ming. Zhang, S. R. (1999). Promoting clinical research in Chinese nursing practice.Symposium of Evidence-based nursing practice, Tai Yuan.


Research Grants:

  • Liu Ming, Jin XiaoYan, et al. Determinants of job embeddedness and retention among clinical nurses in GBA-A mixed method. Granted by the Macao Polytechnic University, 2022-2024(on going).
  • Jin XiaoYan, Liu Ming, Shang Shaomei, et al. 基于护理核心胜任力本位教育的OSCE体系构建. 澳門理工大學資助, 2022-2024.
  • Wang Yan, Liu Ming, Lam NOGUEIRA Oi Ching. The investigation and predictive model construction of internet gaming disorder among young adults of Macao, Granted by the Macao Polytechnic Institute, 2020-2022(ongoing).
  • Cindy Leong, Liu Ming. A preliminary study on the development of an i-system for relieving musculoskeletal pain. Granted by The Macao Science and Technology Development Fund (FDCT), 2020-2024 (on going).
  • Amy Wang, Liu Ming, Dai Hongxia. The Adversity Quotient Analysis and Intervention Research of Macao Nursing Students. Granted by the Macao Polytechnic Institute, 2020-2022(on going).
  • Liu Ming, Haobin Yuan. Validation Test of Predictive Validity of Pressure Risk Assessment Scale in ICU Patients. Granted by the Macao Polytechnic Institute, 2015-2017.
  • Liu Ming, Gu Kin, Luo Zhimin. Stress in nursing students: a cross-sectional and longitudinal study. Granted by the Macao Polytechnic Institute, 2012-2016 (ongoing).
  • Liu Ming, et al. “Chronic Wound Care: A clinical serial study”. Granted by the Macao Polytechnic Institute, 2009-2012 (closed in 2013).
  • Liu Ming, Yin Lei “Effective Characteristics of Clinical Instructor: Perceived by faculties, clinical instructors and nursing students”. Granted by the Macao Polytechnic Institute, 2008-2010 (closed in 2011).
  • Liu  Ming, Yin Lei, Lam Oi Ching, Chan Yok Man, Leong Sin U, & Gu Qin. “Construction and validation of registered nurse’s competence framework in Macao”. Granted by the Macao Polytechnic Institute, 2006-2008 (closed in 2009).
  • Liu Ming. “Development of Competency Inventory for Registered Nurse in the People’s Republic of China”. Granted by the Graduate School of Chiang Mai University, Thailand, 2003-2005 (closed in 2005).
  • Liu Ming., & Che, W. F. “Clinical ladder for improving the competence of clinical nursing research”. Granted by the First Teaching Hospital of Xi’an Jiao Tong University, 2000-2002 (closed in 2002).
  • Liu Ming., & Gao, R. “The general health status of disadvantaged old people in Shaanxi province, P. R. China”. Granted by HelpAge International, 2001-2006 (closed in 2007).
  • Liu Ming., & Li, J. “The curriculum reform for bachelor nursing education”.  Granted by Xi’an Jiao Tong University, 2000.


Social Services:

  • Member: Macao Medical Professionals Committee (2017-present)
  • Member: Macao Specialty Nurse Committee (2017-present)
  • Chair: Academic Qualification of Equivalence Committee in Nursing Area, Macao SAR (2008-2017).
  • Vice President: Macao Nursing Education Association (2015-present)
  • Member:  Medical Council of Macao SAR (2013-2017)
  • Convener: Nursing Team, Medical Council of Macao SAR (2013-2017)
  • Editorial Board:《The Pacific Rim International Journal of Nursing Research》
  • Editorial Board:《Chinese Journal of Nursing Education》
  • Editorial Board:《Journal of Nursing Management》
  • Editor Board:《 Journal of Modern Nursing Education and Research》
  • Peer Reviewer: 《Journal of Community Nursing》
  • Peer Reviewer:《International Journal of Nursing Science》

最近兩年任教科目 Subjects taught in last two years
專題習作(CLINICAL PROJECT) 2024/2025
英語II(ENGLISH II) 2024/2025
項目報告(PROJECT REPORT) 2024/2025
研究方法及倫理規範(RESEARCH METHODS AND ETHICS) 2024/2025
論文(THESIS) 2024/2025
論文(THESIS) 2023/2024

研究人員檔案 Researcher Profile